58. Gladiators

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"On the first bracket, Ivanov Malvich against Magnolia Greivy!" The announcer declares enthusiastically, almost to the point of lunacy as he jumps multiple times to the air.

The spectators, sitting on their chairs stationed in a circle fashion around the arena, burst into ecstacy. Some of them bellow "Magnolia", others shout "Ivan".

A bell rings; how very similar to the Imperial Trial.

"Forest of Doom!"

Dozens of trees burst out from the ground, reminding me of Aelita's own spell, although this one is probably a discounted version.

Ivanov, a dwarf whose height is no more than half a metre, thumps his warhammer onto the ground. A wave of lightning fends off the advancing tree branches.

Ivanov jumps, his warhammer dawning upon the ground. Magnolia is felled, replied by the echoes of screams from dismayed spectators.

In that split second, as Ivanov raises his warhammer again, Magnolia engulfs him in a sea of vines.

"It's over," Agatha comments casually.

Ivanov collapses, his face blue. Surely, it is poison that ends him.

"Match to Magnolia!"

"Disgusting dwarf," Magnolia snidely comments as she leaves the arena.

I leave my chair, entering an underground chamber outside the arena. An official offers me a set of armor. Magnolia is there, too.

"No, thanks," I refuse.

"You want to be careful against Yudinstev," Magnolia warns. "He just got degraded from the first bracket recently; he's pretty damn strong in close combat. Also, your match is a gauntlet style, after Yudinstev you will have to face others."

"Much appreciated."

"Second bracket, Yudinstev against Violleta Vonville!"

"Good luck," Magnolia whispers.

I couldn't care less for the crowd's cheer or Magnolia's words. All I care for ....

Is to wrap this shit up as fast as I can.

Yudinstev is a massive man, towering over two metres in height. He boasts of his naked, muscular torso.

"Necromancer's Armor Set! Blood Sword!"

"Violleta, huh? You are quite notorious around here," Yudinstev comments. "I will do well not to underestimate you."

"You surely will. Dance of Bones!"

I fire thousands of pipe bones, all soon littering the arena. Yudinstev summons an iron wall, but it's crumbling soon thanks to the pressure.

"Black Chupacabra!"

My chupacabra leaps over the forty metre tall wall. The black dog finishes Yudinstev, who is distracted by the bone rain.

"Who's next?" I ask coldly.

Agatha runs at me, a smirk on her face. "They're moving you to the first bracket," she whispers.

"Good then."

This aura!

"Dita Luxor," Agatha calls out as the snake girl appears from the other side of the arena.

"Well, well, well, I see that you have been downgraded quite severely," she says.

"Be careful," Agatha whispers. "Good luck."

Agatha dashes out with her wind magic. I turn to face Dita.

"What happened to your dear Empire?" I mock.

"What about your dear Irvine?"

We circle each other, my blade in hand, exchanging tense stares. Dita hisses, her forked tongue showing. Occasionally, she would caress her scaly skin.

"I've been the arena champion for two months in a row," Dita says. "Think you can grab this crown from me?"

"Let's see. Blood Vortex!"

A giant snake appears from thin air, coiling around Dita. The snake receives the hit, leaving Dita unharmed.

Dita smirks, showing her forked tongue once again. She raises her scaly left hand, thousands of snakes lunging from the ground.

"Blood Flood!" The flow of blood sweeps the snakes, throwing them onto the walls of the arena.

"Reverse Blood Shockwave!" A magnetic-like force is emitted from my hand, pulling Dita over. My right hand swings the sword at her throat.

Two snakes burst out from her shoulder, enwrapping themselves onto my sharp sword. Three more snakes strike from inside Dita's mouth; I would be poisoned if I were not fast enough to duck.

What the hell is that?

"Blood Shockwave!"

"What do you want to do, Vio?" Dita mocks. "You can't even decide where to engage me."

"You-you are not even human," I murmur.

Dita lets out a maniacal laughter. "Tell me, how much time do you spend training?" she asks. "Thousands of hours of labour, sharpening every blow of your blade, honing your spells. You learned to deflect every possible blade thrust and to execute every parry possible. And what have that served you?"

"I spent half an hour being experimented on and sleeping thanks to sleep drugs. When I woke up, I had obtained power surpassing your thousands of hours of training!" Dita laughs. "You've been so foolish."

I lunge, blade in hand, for I know one thing Dita doesn't.

All my training, all my practice, has told me one thing.

You don't have to be stronger to win.

Dita pins me down, her grey face facing mine. "See? I told you."

"I prefer showing," I murmur. "Blood Bone Serpent."

I smirk. Dita realizes the creature that is forming behind her. "You're not going anywhere!" I shout as Dita begins to release her hold. "Blood Chains!"

Red chains tie her up, as if she were a mummy. I repel her upwards, straight towards the blood serpent.

Dita lets out a weak moan as she collapses, her torso decimated. The audience claps wildly.

"Match to Violleta."

I calmly put my sword back to its sheath as soon as I re-enter the underground chamber. The official offering me armor earlier stares at me with disbelief.

"You toppled the arena champion just like that. She was unstoppable for months!" he declares.

Another official enters the room with a small cart. Inside the cart I see three suitcases, presumably chock-ful with cash, a number of jewellery including a nicely shaped ruby ring, and a few articles of clothing made from silk.

"Your reward, miss. Where should I send it? Or would you prefer to take it yourself?"

"Send it to Magnolia Greivy's address."

"As you wish."

As I leave the catacombs, a cheerful Magnolia joins me.

"Damn right. You're a Guard, after all."

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