23. Port Sekizaki

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And thus we begin our voyage to Sekizaki. The seas are calm, the birds are singing, and all is fine.

Yet, I cannot help but worry about my grandmother. She's powerful, far more powerful than I am–but no man's an island. Worse, the Order seems to know what is going on.

I try to distract myself by watching TV.  The war is coming, and news channels represent that.

"Another controversial decision is made in Irvine. Archduke Luxor, what do you have to say?" the reporter asks.

Archduke Luxor still looks broken; his face is still sad, but he pushes himself.

"Indeed. This decision is not without thought; our southern coast has been threatened repeatedly. In that light, both Archduke Windwood and I have decided to declare provincial emergency. We will each build an army of 65,000, as allowed by the law," he reiterates weakly.

I turn off the TV immediately; I need not war information right now.

The voyage continues for several weeks; now we have depleted our supplies and fuel, and need to dock at Sekizaki. Night is approaching fast.

"Status report, Alice," I ask Alice.

Alice, still with her lifeless expression, replies, "We have enough fuel for only three more days. Supplies will run out tomorrow."

"Brown bags for John will also run out tomorrow at this rate," Aelita chips in.

"He's still seasick?" I ask.

"The longer the voyage is, the worse his seasick is, Vio," Aelita sighs.

Apparently, John can't handle more than four or five days of voyaging, so he's currently in bed.

"We're approaching Sekizaki," Alice murmurs.

Sekizaki is a massive port; it is filled with numerous merchant ships from all over the continent of Alxelis, as well as independent merchants and other nations.

Also docked there is a war fleet of roughly thirty ships-of-the-line, as well as ten frigates or so.

Aelita and I immediately hop on dry land. John is still seasick and Alice stays behind to ensure the shenanigans during our previous mission doesn't happen again.

There are copious amounts of traders stocking up supplies here, so there's a central office where they can sign contracts with local companies to resupply them in exchange of cash and other valuables.

In this case, we have a piece of paper stating that we are to be given supplies and its cost will be covered by Irvine.

The office is of gigantic proportions, its walls painted pure white and its floors made of dark oak wood. Aelita and I immediately proceed to the receptionists.

"Hello, good evening," I greet a receptionist, a young man with short, black hair and a wide smile. His ears are curled. His mildly pale skin tells me that he is a half-elf.

Elves and humans are compatible; their marriages produce numerous half-elves.

"Greetings, young lady. How can I help you?" the half-elf asks.

"I would like food and fuel supplies for four for one month," I answer, "Our ship is called Royal, from Irvine."

The half-elf nods repeatedly as he calculates the cost. I put the letter on his desk.

"That would be eighty million credits, young lady," he says.

He then notices the letter and begins to open it. He reads the content carefully before saying, "Of course, Miss Vonville. We'll handle it right away."

"Thanks. I appreciate it," I reply before leaving.

"Okay, that's one matter finished. I'll grab John real quick and buy a potion for his seasickness," Aelita says to me.

"Alright, I'll be waiting at the market," I reply. Aelita hastily leaves while I take a leisurely walk to the nearby market.

The market is pretty active even at night. Food vendors are everywhere, alongside clothing and potion ones. There are some jewelery shops and antique ones, too.

I immediately approach the closest potion shop, which is run by an elderly half-elf.

"Hello! What are you looking for?" she greets me cheerfully.

"Is there a potion for seasickness?" I ask.

"Seasickness? Sure, take a look at this," she hands me a box, containing four vials of red potion.

"A young lady sold the recipe to me. Cherry flavour," she continues.

"Cherry flavour?" I ask rhetorically. I remember cherry as Angelita's favourite fruit.

"Sis, try out this new potion I made!" Angelita shoved a vial of pink liquid.

"Mm, tastes like cherry. What's it for?" I asked.

"Eheh, it makes you cough nonstop for five minutes!" she playfully said.

"Young lady, are you fine?" the old shopkeeper snaps me back into the present.

"Ah, yes, I just remembered something. What does the girl who sold you the recipe look like?" I ask.

"The girl? Mm, now that I think of it, she doesn't look unlike you. Red hair, brown eyes, just a bit taller," the shopkeeper recalls, "and with a few bodyguards, too."

Then, perhaps, Angelita didn't really defect. Maybe it was a genuine job offer that she got. Maybe she just got spiteful and refused to contact grandma anymore. Maybe ....

"Hey, Vio!" Aelita shocks me back to reality, "I bring John!"

Seeing John so pale makes me worried, so I quickly shove the vial to Aelita to give to John.

"How much is it?" I ask the shopkeeper as I open my wallet.

"One hundred and twenty thousand credits for the whole box," she replies. I hand her the cash.

"Thanks Vio, I owe you one," John says.

Meanwhile, the potion has returned John's pale skin to his normal light brown skin. "Whoa, it's great!" John exclaims, "nice cherry flavour, too."

"Alright, do you guys wanna stay in the ship or in a hotel?" I ask.

"Hotel!" Aelita shrieks, "There's a hotel here that my parents and I often stay in. I have a membership card!"

I question the logic of bringing a hotel membership card; it's as if Aelita has planned it from long before.

"Well, fine the-" my words are cut off by a loud shout from a middle aged man.

"Mother! Get in the shop! Close it!" he shrieks, "The Purists are here!"

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