⛓Three Angry Kings⛓ | NSFW

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

Izuku's recovery time had passed by in a flash and he was able to use his quirks again

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Izuku's recovery time had passed by in a flash and he was able to use his quirks again. The stitches had also been removed from his arm but he still had to be careful with his movements while using it.

It was time for the kings to deal with the infiltrators but they were waiting until Izuku had healed. His quirks would come in handy if they refused to speak and also, it would be better if the three kings were present.

With the time being around 9 p.m, the three kings were able to go and manage the situation. It should take about an hour maximum which would probably be when Natsuki would need feeding and Himori would be woken up by her cries.

The walk to the underground dungeon slash cells was done in silence despite the matters at hand. The three kings were beyond angry even though they seemed to be calm. Nothing would be said until they faced the three men who put their lives at risk.

The guards standing by the doors bowed, allowing them to pass through after unlocking the doors and pulling across the curtains. Any person who was strange to the underground of the palace would never believe that this place was a dungeon. The exterior was the same as the halls of the palace until they got to the interior. It wasn't a smelly place but it wasn't the ideal place to live in. It was kept clean so no one would catch any diseases but it remained bland as punishment to those who were brought down here.

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