⛓Royal Visitors⛓

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

Once announced in the afternoon that royalty from a neighbouring kingdom was coming later in the day; around the evening time, Armoxia was ready to welcome them as usual

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Once announced in the afternoon that royalty from a neighbouring kingdom was coming later in the day; around the evening time, Armoxia was ready to welcome them as usual. The palace wouldn't be preparing for the performances until about five this evening so for now, it would just be simple greetings to the king, his two sons, and daughter. The Armoxian family would be having dinner with them before it would be time to get ready for tonight.

"The guards are going to lead them up, right?" Hitoshi questioned as he sat on his throne beside Katsuki. The blonde hummed, one hand resting on the throne handle in a bored fashion as he propped his head on it. The other hand was holding Natsuki who was sitting on his lap and playing with one of her toys. As for the whereabouts of Himori, Izuku had taken the little boy out for ice cream as a treat for doing well in his classes.

"I hope we don't have to wait long 'cause I'm fuckin' tired," Hitoshi hit Katsuki rather hard on his hand, making the blonde turn and glare at him. "Why the fuck did you do that for?" That only made Hitoshi hit him again, this time much harder. Katsuki was flaming but when he saw Hitoshi pointing at Natsuki who was watching him, the blonde cursed under his breath. "Deku's gonna kill me if he hears her saying anything like that."

"Yeah, and it doesn't help that she's already learning to talk," huffed Hitoshi with a roll of his eyes. The purple-haired male's eyes lingered on the palace doors a little longer and when he saw people walking through, he nudged Katsuki again. "Our visitors are already here."

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