⛓Eleven Years Too Long⛓

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Ahhh, I apologise that I'm late with this update

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Ahhh, I apologise that I'm late with this update. Just realised that it was Wednesday.

Katsuki was on his last rut day when the beauties came. Now that it was only Izuku who was going through his heat cycle, the greenhead suggested to his two mates that they spend time with their friends and catch up on time lost.

It was a good idea, seeing that now they had children and they obviously had a kingdom to run, they wouldn't have that much time to do anything much unless it was work-related or related to the needs of their offspring. That work, however, that included the beauties would be dealt with when Izuku was around. For now, they would talk about anything that they could and show them around the kingdom.

The kids would be with them since Izuku would be sleeping after he rode through a wave that had occurred at any point in time. The Omega had insisted that he would still be able to take care of the kids but Hitoshi and Katsuki told him that it was fine. He was a bit reluctant since he wasn't sure how much catching up they could do with two young children around but they had told him that they would get through. Izuku only shrugged with a sigh, telling the mini prince and princess that he would see them later this evening. With a small wave of his hand by Himori and a few coos from Natsuki, they were on their way.

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