⛓Three Days Travel⛓ | NSFW

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

My excuse for being late is that I didn't feel like writing smut

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My excuse for being late is that I didn't feel like writing smut. I'll post the other three chapters Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to make up for the days missed.

"In a circle, Himori, a circle."

Hitoshi was standing behind the prince in the bathroom, both of them looking in a mirror as they brushed their teeth. Himori was trying his best to mimic the way his father was brushing his front teeth but ended up failing a few times which made him frustrated. Hitoshi only sighed and then chuckled as he looked down at him, releasing the toothbrush so it stayed in his mouth as he leaned down.

"Chin up," He told him, words sounding a bit muffled since his mouth was full. Himori complied with his wishes, brows holding a bit of tension since he was still a bit mad that he couldn't get it done correctly.

Hitoshi brushed his teeth for him, telling him that he was still a bit too young so he wouldn't get it done properly right away. He still encouraged him and allowed him to rinse out his mouth by himself so he would feel a bit better. It worked since he had cheered that he had done that himself.

"May I sleep with you tonight, Daddy?" Himori looked hopeful as he raised his head and gazed up at his father. Hitoshi rinsed out his mouth, taking the little boy's toothbrush and putting them both back where they belonged.

The Remaining Beauties✔- ShinBakuDeku [2/3]Where stories live. Discover now