⛓Something Unavoidable⛓

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

Izuku was pacing around in their private workroom, a hand to his chin and eyes cast down with furrowed brows as he thought about everything

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Izuku was pacing around in their private workroom, a hand to his chin and eyes cast down with furrowed brows as he thought about everything. It was an entire year since the war that happened when he was pregnant with Natsuki and he just couldn't understand why they didn't strike again. He was certain executing two of their men and jailing the other wouldn't have stopped them so easily. After hearing what his two mates had said, they indeed had a strong base which means that they shouldn't be hesitating to start a war again.

Not that Izuku wanted anything to happen but he was tired of being on edge and wondering when the next war would be. It was stressing him and his mates out to the point that every little thing would make them snap at each other. They were trying their best not to worry about anything and to make it easier on each other by avoiding the situation but it had gone on for too long now.

Tomorrow was Natsuki's first birthday and for her sake, they were going to at least try to settle things- no, they would. No work today or no thinking about any upcoming wars or any past wars. 

Or at least he wished that it was that easy. He was certain that as soon as tomorrow passed that they would go back to their same ways. It wasn't a good thing to think that but he wanted to be realistic. 

With a sigh, Izuku sat down on the chair and started to wrap his daughter's present. Hitoshi and Katsuki were with him, tension clear in the room as the two of them placed the two boxes that they had on top of each other. Just this morning, the two Alphas had gotten into a fight over what they should give the baby. Katsuki said some things that he shouldn't have and Hitoshi had said some things equally as bad. Izuku was the one who ended up having to part their fight and that didn't turn out good either. They did a number on each other with their quirks and what made it worse was that Himori had just come into the room. Goddess knows how much he had seen. 

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