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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

Many months had passed and the progress that the beauties made were outstanding

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Many months had passed and the progress that the beauties made were outstanding. They were in control of their quirks and when they had to spar with one another, they were lasted longer and were able to take down one or the other. It was amazing to watch since it could be seen that time was not wasted.

Hitoshi had to write a letter to Nixis this evening so that it could get to them within the day and a half and then back to them. The letter would contain contents of what happened, meaning the war, and then the Nixian force would have to come to help them when they were sending the person that they caught with the mini camera on him.

Currently, all of the beauties were in the outfits that were made for them, all of them satisfied with what they were given. Only a few minor adjustments had to be made which were taken care of but other than that, everything was fine.

Now that everyone was settled and it was a fresh new day and everyone was ready to train again, the decision was made that each of them would go up against Izuku and in the case that he couldn't go anymore, then Hitoshi would follow after and then Katsuki.

Most of them were surprised to hear that they would be going up against the chained beauty. Izuku wasn't going to be using any of his quirks since it would be like them fighting the opposing team. All three of the kings, well Izuku mostly, since he was the one to analyse people, had figured out how the enemy fought; not the ones from this war but from the war a year ago. They had already written down what they had gained from it though.

The Remaining Beauties✔- ShinBakuDeku [2/3]Where stories live. Discover now