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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  N I X I S

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  N I X I S

Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  N I X I S

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Read with caution. This chapter contains drugging and mentions of forced sex.

Izuku gritted his teeth after hearing the words of the king behind him- if he could even call him that. He couldn't believe that they were fooled so easily. That would explain why Nixis had asked them to become their allies before they decided to come to that conclusion. 

At first, they thought it to be because Izuku was the chained beauty and it would look good if they were allies with Armoxia. He should've known that they were desiring him instead. For that very reason, Izuku was glad that they didn't mention the other beauties who were living with them nor did they tell them any new strategies that they came up with.

Still, the people that came were not Nixians, seeing that they spoke completely different languages. It made Izuku wonder if Nixis had gotten other people or forced them because the enemies that had warred with them said that they didn't know the kingdom, even when Hitoshi used his mind control.

"Now," Daiki began, a finger trailing across Izuku's chin and a smirk showing on his face. "We can make this simple, chained beauty. I tell you what I want and you follow, hmm?"

Izuku kept his mouth closed. The only thing that he was worried about was whether or not his mates and children were safe as well as the beauties. No doubt that if Hitoshi and Katsuki didn't see him outside in the war that they would want to know where he was. He honestly hoped that they didn't come searching and that Natsuki and Himori were in the safe room.

The Remaining Beauties✔- ShinBakuDeku [2/3]Where stories live. Discover now