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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

Hitoshi and Katsuki were seated on the floor, watching Himori trying to help a wobbly Natsuki to stand up on her feet

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Hitoshi and Katsuki were seated on the floor, watching Himori trying to help a wobbly Natsuki to stand up on her feet. The baby was a bit agitated that whenever she tried to stand, she ended up falling back down on her bottom. Himori noticed this and before Katsuki could encourage her to continue moving, her brother went to her aid instead.

No words had to be said by the two kings. Himori was speaking the most as he tried to show his sister how to walk. He was still young so he didn't quite understand why she couldn't move like him but Hitoshi had explained to him that she was still a baby and that it would be a process.

"Can we wake Baba so we can eat?" The little Alpha prince questioned after a while. It was early morning, probably around 7 which is the time that Himori usually asks for breakfast. Katsuki hummed, getting up from the floor with a grunt and stretched as he stood up.

Hitoshi picked up the baby, whines starting to fall from her lips so it was definitely feeding time. "Yeah, wake him up," The purple-haired Alpha told his son who instantly got excited and ran over to wake the sleeping Omega up.

"Baba, baba!" Himori was shaking his father with all of the strength that he could muster in an attempt to get Izuku's attention. It seemed to be a task because the Omega only turned, a deep breath falling from his lips as he grabbed a pillow tightly and settled into a deeper sleep.

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