⛓A Warning To Their Enemies⛓

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

"Damn, you look horrible," Katsuki averted his slitted crimson eyes upward, rolling them when he processed what Hitoshi had said

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"Damn, you look horrible," Katsuki averted his slitted crimson eyes upward, rolling them when he processed what Hitoshi had said. He couldn't look as horrible as he felt but in all honesty, it was probably because of what he chose to do.

"Well, thanks," grumbled the blonde. If Katsuki had enough energy then he would've cursed Hitoshi. He was also quiet since Natsuki was laying on his shoulder and sleeping.

"You stayed up with her the entire night?" The explosive king shook his head.

"Nah, Deku fed her about an hour ago," He answered with a sigh which was followed by a yawn. "She wouldn't let him sleep afterward, kept crying, and I overheard. When I held her, she fell asleep so I put her in the crib but she started to cry again, so I just sat here and held her for the remaining time."

Hitoshi smirked while looking at his Alpha mate as he sat on the bed. "Why the hell are you looking at me like that?" Questioned Katsuki with a growl the longer Hitoshi stared at him. The purple-haired Alpha just hummed with a shrug as he glanced to the side.

"To see you so careful with something that isn't a workload is pretty cute," The purple-haired king could only chuckle when Katsuki peeked at Natsuki and then flipped him the finger, placing his hand back on the sleeping baby and then giving her a kiss to the side of her head.

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