⛓Stay Hidden, Stay Alive⛓ | NSFW

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

Now that Izuku's cycle was over, plans could be made to deal with the beauties that had sought out the Kingdom of Armoxia a few days ago

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Now that Izuku's cycle was over, plans could be made to deal with the beauties that had sought out the Kingdom of Armoxia a few days ago.

Thirteen people were seated at the dining table, awaiting their breakfast. It was all still new to them that they had met their long-lost friends who they had later found out was mated to the chained beauty. They hadn't seen the chained beauty since that dreadful day that they had made themselves fools in front of him. However, he had servants situate them in rooms and they were treated with care. In all honesty, it was more than they could ask for.

It was finally time to get down to business so today was that day. A servant had knocked on each of their doors around 8:00, telling them that they should dress and get ready to come down for breakfast. After that, it was made known to them that the kings' should be down soon to dine with them and discuss any matters, keeping it subtle that the thirteen foreigners were beauties, of course.

It was 8:45 now and the beauties had expected the kings to be down before them. The set time for the little meeting was 9:00 so they weren't late but they weren't there yet either.

Tenya Iida, one of the beauties who were amongst the questioning others, had noticed this. He called over one of the servants who complied to ask them a question.

The Remaining Beauties✔- ShinBakuDeku [2/3]Where stories live. Discover now