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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Credit to the artist Chaka Rakka. I made a few alterations to the picture like changing the name and adding the spiral but 100% credit goes to the artist of the image used above.

Izuku was early today and as promised, he had figured out how the beauties would stay in the palace and practice without the Armoxians or any arriving tourists would know who they truly are. 

He was heading to their private training room where his mates would already be. It was a Saturday so Himori and Natsuki were home which meant that they would have to watch over them as well. They were accustomed to having to work and watch over the children so it was no problem for them.

The Omega nodded to the guards at the door, pushing them open right after and then walking inside. He locked the door behind him, eyes roaming around the room to look at all of the beauties who were standing around and conversing with each other. Izuku's mates were included as well as his two children who were occupied in the corner playing on their own.

The beauties in the room greeted the chained beauty and Izuku did the same as he walked further. They were all seated and Izuku could see that they were wearing the clothes that were given to them or placed in the closets in their rooms. He had asked them first if they were comfortable with the clothing change before giving them the newly made clothes, however.

The Remaining Beauties✔- ShinBakuDeku [2/3]Where stories live. Discover now