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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

Katsuki and Hitoshi sat in front of a crowd full of people, hands resting on their thrones and feet spread as they waited on the performances to start

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Katsuki and Hitoshi sat in front of a crowd full of people, hands resting on their thrones and feet spread as they waited on the performances to start. It was around 9:00 p.m now which meant that they wouldn't have to wait that much longer.

Himori and Natsuki were well asleep, along with many other children in the kingdom. They were only adults present at the night performances for various reasons. Even the beauties were present in the large hall.

"People of Armoxia!" The announcer called out, her usual smirk on her face when she began to talk. "We welcome the Royal Family from Nixis tonight as well as friends of our kings!" The palace erupted in cheers that echoed off the walls, the sounds of goblets clinking together as well mixing with the loud noises.

"We have many different performances tonight and it's not every day that we have royalty from another kingdom perform in front of our kings and everyone around us," She started earning a few mutters from the Armoxians. "So, without any more time being wasted, let us welcome Prince Sora and Princess Saori from the Kingdom of Nixis! Their performance would be that of dance and I'm sure that we all are looking forward to seeing it," The announcer smiled as she backed away, allowing the two Omegas to walk up in front of Katsuki and Hitoshi. Their eyes had averted to the King of Nixis to see him raising his goblet with a smug grin to the two kings who were occupying their thrones.

The Remaining Beauties✔- ShinBakuDeku [2/3]Where stories live. Discover now