⛓A Frightening Experience⛓

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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It was a quiet afternoon with the three kings and the little prince lounging around in a sitting room in the palace. Himori was playing with Kixo who sat on his lap, sometimes giggling when the pet would try to nibble at his fingers. When Kixo ran away, probably to go and rest, Himori pouted but quickly engaged in conservation with his blonde Alpha father about other pet animals.

Everyone was comfortable. Hitoshi had his hands pressed against the armrest, writing out a few things that had been brought into the kingdom today. As for Katsuki, Izuku's swollen feet were in his lap and he was massaging them to help the Omega feel a little less agitated.

There was also music coming from the headset that was placed over Izuku's stomach as he read his book. Hitoshi had gotten it specifically from a neighbouring kingdom and Izuku was using it since. Sometimes, he would read and talk to the baby but the music was what he turned to most of the time since his time span to stay awake was shortening.

It was good until suddenly, a familiar yet strange sound rang throughout the entire kingdom. The sound was that of the horn that signals to every single person in the kingdom that a war was on their hands. What made the sound so strange was that there was no war for about two going on three years. That was because everyone heard about the chained beauty who was one of the Kings of Armoxia and they wanted nothing to do with having a war with the said kingdom.

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