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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

Izuku woke up around two in the morning, eyes blurry as he tried to peer into the dimly lit room

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Izuku woke up around two in the morning, eyes blurry as he tried to peer into the dimly lit room. One of the nightstands was still lit so he was able to see the outlines of his family. No one, not even the minis had moved from the original spot that they were in almost five hours ago.

He wanted to use the bathroom but he decided that he would put the minis to bed first. He carefully lifted Himori from his spot and crawled off the bed, stepping down on the floor to walk to the boy's bedroom. Once he placed him down and didn't see any movement, he gave the prince a kiss and then went to collect his princess to do the same.

Natsuki was now in bed as well so now he was going to the bathroom since he felt like his bladder was going to burst. The Omega relieved himself and then made his way back to bed to his mates where instead of going back to sleep, he teasingly began to mouth at Hitoshi's mate mark and gently palmed Katsuki's cock.

The Alpha started to stir, Hitoshi waking up first with a hum and then a small chuckle. The Alpha had stayed quiet for a while until he placed his hand over Izuku's body, drawing him closer to him and trailing his hand up his shirt to tug at his nipples. Katsuki didn't seem as if he was going to wake up any time soon so Izuku had moved his hand and joined it with the Alpha behind him on his chest.

"Three days were too long?" Hitoshi groggily asked, followed by a deep breath as Izuku grasped his hand and trailed it down his stomach to touch his cock. What he got in reply was a soft laugh and then a small grind from Izuku when he pushed back on the half-hard-on he was sporting.

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