⛓Birthday Baby⛓

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

"Nacchan," Four pairs of eyes were peeking over the baby's crib, smiles on all of their faces as they peered down at the baby

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"Nacchan," Four pairs of eyes were peeking over the baby's crib, smiles on all of their faces as they peered down at the baby. Natsuki was now holding onto the handlebars and tugging in an attempt to pull herself up when she heard the call of her name.

The baby started to giggle, her round crimson eyes gazing back at those familiar people. "Hi," She had a hand in the air, wrist flapping as she greeted her family.

"Do you know what day it is princess?" The baby looked confused but she didn't let that bother her. She only started to laugh, knees bending and straightening out as she raised one of her hands to stretch it toward her blonde-haired father.

"Dada! Dada!"

"Not Dada, KiKi, it's your birthday!" Himori couldn't really pronounce Natsuki's name so it resulted in him calling her 'Kiki.' 

"And we're going to do a lot today," added Hitoshi as he lifted the baby out of the crib, sitting her on his hip. For Himori's birthday, they showed him the park that was made. It was actually supposed to be a reward for dealing with the issues so well with the war a year ago. They then decided to just show him it as a birthday present, along with a cake that was made for him.

He had a great time since all of his school friends were invited to the palace as well. He would sometimes mention it here and there about how he wished the day would never leave but at least he still had his friends and the park.

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