⬾♔───EPILOGUE───♔⥇ | NSFW

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

The quirks of the children would be explained in-depth in part 3 of this book

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The quirks of the children would be explained in-depth in part 3 of this book. C: Also, pay close attention as time may skip in various parts.

Six long years had passed and Armoxia was doing way better than it was before. There weren't any wars nor any threats to the kingdom and the tourists were coming in which meant that Armoxia was getting a lot of money. If one was being honest, this was the best state that Armoxia had ever been in.

Although there weren't any wars or any signs of harm falling upon Armoxia, that didn't mean that the kings were relaxing as if nothing would happen again. It happened once and there was nothing stopping anyone from starting a war with them again. Most people were scared, however, since there were a lot of slips coming from other kingdoms asking to be their allies. The three kings refused, only keeping their business strict if there was trading involved. The only kingdom that they were allies with was Nixis and that was because Daishi was king and they knew him personally.

They still kept in contact with him, of course, every week if they had to add. Things were going well with him and his kingdom and although he didn't have contact with his family anymore, it didn't bother him. He was now able to have his own mate and child and had another on the way.

Just like the Kingdom of Armoxia was stable, the family of the kings was just as fine too. They now had three children: Himori who was nine years old, Natsuki who was seven, and Inomi who was just two years old. They were trying for the next one which will be their last.

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