⛓The Kingdom Of Nixis⛓

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I ASetting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  N I X I S

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A
Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  N I X I S

Leaving Armoxia after years upon arriving had to be one of the hardest decisions that he ever had to make

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Leaving Armoxia after years upon arriving had to be one of the hardest decisions that he ever had to make.

What made it worse was that he wasn't only leaving his kingdom, his home but he was leaving his mates and children as well.

Izuku knew that it was important that he left to go to this meeting. He had his odds and he had his doubts as to why they wanted him specifically as Hitoshi said but for some reason, he just guessed that they wouldn't do anything to hurt him. Either way, this would be a plus for his kingdom so if he had to leave, that he would do.

He could remember kissing his mates goodbye, who stood at the entrance of the kingdom with both of their children in their arms. Hearing Himori begging him not to go while Natsuki was crying 'Baba' over and over was so heart-wrenching. With a promise that he would be back soon, Izuku told his babies not to give too much trouble as he bid them goodbye. He would've loved if he could be accompanied by at least one of his mates but with two young children and an entire kingdom to take care of, Izuku figured it would be better if both of them were home to deal with everything.

The Omega was accompanied by two of the Armoxian fighters and one guard for the entire day trip to Nixis. They had rested in between travel and had also stopped for some food and water but wanting this to be over with as soon as possible, Izuku had told them that they should continue moving.

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