⛓The Power Of The Beauties⛓

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

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Setting: T H E  P A L A C E  O F  A R M O X I A

The Omega prince and princess from Nixis were not happy

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The Omega prince and princess from Nixis were not happy. At all.

They stood at the entrance of the palace doors, hands folded and evident glares on their faces as they watched Izuku converse with their father. The green-haired male was telling them that maybe they could come back again and probably, his children would be able to introduce them to mates and children of their own.

He also bid Prince Daishi goodbye, the Alpha giving a simple bow of his head with thanks and that he hoped that they would be able to come back again. Unlike his brother and sister, the Alpha prince knew when and where and didn't seem like one to create trouble. Well, to the chained beauty anyway.

Katsuki and Hitoshi had shaken the hands of the last two; Sora and Saori. As opposed to last night, the two didn't look as enthusiastic about being close to them at the moment, only saying a slight thanks because of the stay and nothing else.

"I hope you all enjoyed the performances last night," Izuku said with a bright smile as they were heading to leave. Guards would lead them to their camels that were kept safe and from then on, they would be travelling back home.

"And that bonus show for you, Prince Sora and Princess Saori," Katsuki and Hitoshi were the only ones to hear that aside from the two who it was said to. The kings looked genuinely confused as to what Izuku meant but Sora and Saori didn't. They grumbled something under their breaths and looked nothing far from angry whereas Izuku was just smiling.

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