1 ~ Sweet 16

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Not gonna lie.. straight up panicking about this.. hahahahhaahha nobodies even gonna read this and yet I'm so afraid :/
y/n's POV
I had never been this nervous and happy at the same time! My parents finally let me change schools to Hogwarts and it only took like 2 years of convincing? Apparently, a lot happened there when they were kids.. something about Voldemort but they never really went into all the details.

So I was stuck with Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic. Stuck up brats that believed they were too good for everyone. It was torture.

I opened the window of the cab as I peered out to see hundreds of oblivious muggles walking around with their families. My stepdad sat in the front, chatting to the driver about his daughter. "Oh, I haven't seen her in a while. She lives downtown with her mother. She turned 12 a few days ago you know!" My stepdad chuckles and under his breath says, "No letter huh?". I think it came out louder than he intended and I had to bite my tongue to stop myself from laughing at the driver's reaction.

My mum in the back lost in her thoughts. I and her look very alike with the same hair and pale skin. But my eyes, they really couldn't be more different. Lizzelle y/l/n had deep dark brown eyes. But my eyes were the lightest of blues. I felt if I had the same eyes as her we could be identical. She was the literal embodiment of not looking her age. And one day I dreamed of achieving everything she had.

The upbeat music on the radio was an old one direction song that I used to so love and I thought back to my sixteenth birthday when as I blew out my candles, I made one wish. To go to Hogwarts, the place where my mum and dad met. I didn't know much about my dad. Every time I asked my mum about him her eyes darkened and she ended the conversation. Once when I was younger I remember her eyes tearing up when I tried to get her to open up about him. An educated guess, it didn't end well.

Back to my sixteenth. I was alone in my dorm back at Beauxbatons, I had friends but I didn't really fit in. It's actually really hard to describe... I got a few presents, cards and got wished in the hallways. But I knew none of them really cared. So I blew out my candles hoping for a new start. I pleaded my parents to let me change over and over and the moment they said, "We thought about it, and we are going to let you transfer to Hogwarts", was the best moment of my life.

My mom insisted on taking me to visit Hogwarts at the end of my 5th year and I met Dumbledore for the first time. The first impression, he seemed kind of comical with his long white beard and tingling eyes. Something straight out of a book. I felt scared knowing he was such an important person but then the way he talked and smiled made it seem pretty okay? He was nice not like all the strict uptight teachers at my last school.

I also saw some of the students that still hadn't left for the summer break. Everything was just perfect. I couldn't wait to go back.

The cab stopped and I was snapped out of my thoughts as the music stopped. My dad was paying the cab driver while I and my mom got out of the back. I was wearing a black skirt that barely made it to the top of my knees with a white button-up and oversized black hoodie. My parents hated my taste in clothes but I think it helps me blend in more.

As the cab pulled out we headed in and that was I think when my heart decided to start beating way faster than it should.

Okay.. so yay! I did writing.. no Netflix and actual writing. I probably shouldn't be as proud of myself as I am but oh well. Um for the 0 people that are reading this right now.. *starts talking in high pitched YouTuber accent and super fast YouTuber speed*, Make sure you subscribe to the channel and give this story (video) a big thumbs up. Comment down below what you would like to see next and make sure to click on the bell button to be notified when I post more content. 👉👈
-T ♥️

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