11 ~ Avada Kedavra

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Yayyyyyy we made it to 100 likes and 6.2 THOUSAND reads!? Am I going insane or smth??? PS- I'm sorry about the end of this it's not sad but ngl that scene I was kinda disappointed in Harry. Thank you soo much for reading and commenting and please press the star button if you like the chapter! ♥️♥️ - T
Y/n's POV

"Have you ever seen anyone die?" "Always remember- I- I love you s- soo much." I heard her crying. She was sobbing, she was yelling and all I wanted to do was go up to her and help her. She didn't see him. I wanted to yell. TURN AROUND. She didn't hear me. I felt my breath fasten as she spun around on the heels of her foot. And before she could do anything I heard a raspy voice scream, "Avada Kedavra!" I saw the same green light shoot from his wand that I had seen the first day of school. I heard her scream. It was shrill, loud, and it broke my heart. I wanted to say something, do something, anything but I couldn't. I tried to peel my feet off the ground as I watch him walk over kicked the body of the woman out of his way as the words left his mouth again. "Avada Kedavra."

My eyes flew open and I sat up immediately. I was sweating and shaking. I wasn't in my room and I was looking out of a window at the stars and the sky. I turned right and left to see if anyone had seen my nightmare and didn't see anyone. I realized I was in the infirmary. I pushed the blanket off my legs and I felt the breeze all of a sudden. I wasn't in yesterday's outfit anymore.

I was about to get off the bed and I almost stepped on his stomach. He was sleeping. On the floor. Next to me. Waiting. For me. I felt like the luckiest person in the world as I got off the other side of the bed. I felt the pain from my leg seep up throughout my body as I remembered yesterday's events. I looked down to see a few scars from the glass that had cut my legs. My legs were shaking but I couldn't go back to sleep. I had to ask him.

I walked over to him just before my legs gave out. I watched his chest slowly move up and down to match his breathing. The well-defined muscles of his arm were tucked under the blanket and tucked under his head. As he rolled over to face me, still asleep. His brown hair fell over his face and I tucked it back as his eyes fluttered open. "Y/n?" I nodded and smiled as he got up slowly. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry for starting the fight. I never wanted you to get hurt I just can't handle the annoying brat sometimes and-"

That was all he could say before I pulled him into a hug. "Thank you for staying." "Always." I pulled away as he looked me up and down and started talking again. "Can you stand? Walk? Madame Pomfrey could take out all of the glass but there were a few that were really dug in and she said they would leave scars." "I'm totally and completely okay." We both got up and within the minute my legs started giving away again but he caught me with his arm tucked under one of my shoulders. "Well Ms. totally and completely okay, I think you should go back to sleep."

My eyes darkened as I remembered the bright green flash of light leaving his wand and the life leaving the women's eyes. He probably noticed the sudden change in the atmosphere as he asked me, "Y/n? What's wrong?" I didn't say anything, I didn't know how to ask him.

   I so clearly remembered him asking me, "Have you ever seen anyone die?" But when I asked him after he said he hadn't said anything. Why did he lie? Was it all just in the dream?

   "Y/n talk to me." I could see the worry in his eyes as he slowly moved his arm out from around my shoulder and gently pushed my chin up to look straight into his eyes. Baby blue mixed with his green eyes. I'd seen eyes just like his before. Same color. But I couldn't recall where. I had to ask him.

"Harry, do you remember the first day of school. After the feast, you stopped me at the staircase cause you had to ask me something. I fainted and you said you hadn't said anything?" I saw his Adam's apple move as he gulped and nodded. "I need to know. What did you ask me then?" He looked down at his shuffling feet and then back up to me. "Have you ever seen anyone die?"

I turned my head around and started walking out a second later. Why did I have that memory? Who was that person? His eyes? I heard him saying something behind me, calling out my name. Why had he lied? I could have figured something out. Maybe owl my mom and asked her.

I haven't seen anyone die. I hadn't been to any funerals. What the fuck was happening to me? I felt my eyesight blurring up as I felt arms wrap around my waist. I wanted to push him away and tell him off for lying. But I couldn't. I let myself break in his arms. I let the tears out and started sobbing. I heard his voice soft at the back of my ears and felt his breath. "I'm sorry." I turned around and started sobbing in his chest. He didn't ask me why. He probably thought I was crying about some relative that had died. He just let me ruin his shirt with my tears as he wrapped his arms over my shoulders. I felt safe. I felt comfortable. And I wanted to stay like this forever.

Draco's POV

Why wasn't she back yet? Pomfrey had used a few drops of Sleeping Draught along with pain meds before she fixed the bruises in her legs. If my guess was right she would have woken up 4 minutes ago. Harry Potter being the insufferable sweet guy would make sure she would go back to her dorm. I need to apologize. I looked down at my knuckles to see the blood that was dripping down my forearm. I was so close to punching a hole in the wall. I had carried her over to the hospital wing. Yet Harry hadn't let me stay a second after Madame Pomfrey arrived. I'd heard him explaining to her just what had happened before I left.

I looked back down at my knuckles. All the blood was gone. No scars to show what I had done. It was like it never happened. I wanted to start again. Punch the walls until my knuckles started bleeding. I needed the pain.

I started worrying when she didn't show up 2 minutes later as I left her room and half walked half ran to the infirmary. I needed to apologize. To tell her that I didn't mean for her to get hurt.

I made it up the steps and the door opened before me. Only to see them. She was crying. In his arms. With him. He had his arms around her whispering something in her ear. I felt my blood boil at the sight of him touching her. She was mine. She was- I looked over at them once more to see Harry looking at me smirking.

She was not mine. I didn't give a fuck about whose she was or wasn't. She was a fucking slut and I could have her on her knees whenever I wanted. Another wasted of breath if you ask me. I walked out and the door closed automatically behind me. I could only imagine Harry's reaction to it. He seemed shocked every time magic took place. His reaction to magic even Dumbledore couldn't do would be hilarious. If only he knew what I could do. How long was it going to take to get it through his thick skull that he was magic? The Dark Lord had shown me a scene from Dumbledores memories. One with Lockhart and Harry when Dumbledore had cleaned up a house 2 years ago. I swear the look on Harry's face. He would have made a great Muggle. Him and his little girlfriend.

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