30 ~ The Perfect Day

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I think I am going insane. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Y/n's POV

I pushed my door open, yawning, as the light from the window hit my face. The room was empty so I'm guessing Delancy stayed the night at Cedric's and Hayden stayed the night at Selena's. I smirked to myself as I dragged my feet to the shower.

Our towels lay hung over the metal rod, our initials imprinted over the white in our emerald green, as I remembered my first day here.

I didn't know Delancy, Selena wasn't here, Hayden wasn't my best friend. And I despised Draco.

Wow. I can't even imagine being back there.

The cold water hit my face as I flinched back, failing at getting rid of my headache. Hungover sex. Bad idea. Hahaha, I was a virgin. Old me would have been so disappointed at where I was right now.

But I couldn't be happier.


"Oh someone dressed up for me." I was dressed in a baby blue, of the shoulder, ruffled crop top, and white shorts. I put on some light makeup and my hair in beach waves over my shoulders. I turned around on my vanity chair to see Draco leaning on the doorframe.

He had his hair pushed back in a dark blue button-up with a few buttons undone. He had a lighter shade of jeans and looked unnecessarily cute. He had the sleeves of his arms pushed back to his elbow and sunglasses in his hand.

"Only for you Malfoy," I turned back around to the mirror to finish my make-up. My eyes stuck to his reflection as he licked his lips before walking towards me. "You'll never learn to knock will you?"

"Well, I don't need to do I, princess?" I could feel his breath on the back of my neck as I turned around once again. Our foreheads touching, and his pearly silver eyes seemed to look straight through my soul.

My vanity chair was pretty high, but he still towered over me. I reached up to kiss him, and just as our lips met, we heard the screech from the front door.

I looked under Draco's arm, which was placed on either side of me, on the vanity desk. "Ewww!" Delancy's high pitch voice echoed through the room.

"And I thought today was gonna be a good day, I get to see my little ferret brother making out with you. Y/n if you need help blink three times."

Draco still hadn't moved so I saw him rolling his eyes just before he turned around to face his sister. "I see Cinderella's ugly stepsister is back."

"I can see your insults haven't improved since you were like 3?"

I blocked the arguing voices of the two out as I tried to finish my make-up once more. I'm still shocked that Draco came back to Hogwarts with me last night. I'm not even shocked that he can apparate anymore. So can Hayden and Theodore.

Plus I really thought he would have left me at the party to hunt down Theo. But I guess I was wrong. I brushed through my hair, still thinking about how far we've gotten in the past few months.

"Well, Delancy I don't think you want to know how your roommate was begging me to-" "What the fuck?!" My attention snapped back to the two bickering behind me. I jumped off the chair and walked over to them as Delance dramatically covered her ears to avoid hearing Draco's flashbacks.

"Oh my god, you guys are the human version of Tom And Jerry. Now we have to go so how about you say bye-bye to each other like normal siblings."

"Well if he turns into a psychopath, I will be the first to say I told you so." Draco put his arm over my shoulder as I turned my head back to smile, only to see Draco holding his middle finger up to her sister.

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