33 ~ Faceless

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Please vote Thanks for the comments I read every single one of them and they always make me laugh! The last chapter coming tommorow too AND PLEASE FOLLOW SO U CAN START WHEN I START MY NEXT BOOK. I also wanted to say yes y/n cries way too much in this story I got a lot of comments and messages about it and I really want to change that but Draco did just jump off a building in front of her soo, but I'll try to fix it in my next book for sure, I'm sorry!


Y/n's POV

"But you promised."

I gave everything I had as I yelled into the dark vastness, "You promised!"

My entire body shivered as another breeze pushed, daring to knock me over. Still on my knees, leaning over the edge, I wanted him to come back. I needed him to come back.

I'd lost my best friend. My girlfriend. I can't lose anyone else.

It couldn't have been too hard.

He did it.

It was right in front of me, one step and it would all stop.

I pushed myself off the marble flooring in the astronomy, looking into the never-ending darkness that stretched out in front of me.

One step.

Before I could make that decision for myself,

I could have sworn someone pushed me from behind. My head jerked back, only to be met with the icy air, pushing my hair back. It was just the wind.

The entire world wants me to do it.

And that's when I heard the footsteps sounding from below. Time was running out. It was now or never. Delancy's voice screamed from downstairs, "Y/n?!"

One step.

My eyes shut, as I tried to lift my foot up, my knees still shaking, the ground felt like quicksand. A sob left my mouth as I gave in.

I wasn't strong enough for this.

I wasn't brave enough for anything.

Strong arms wrapped around me from behind pulling me from danger, as I gave myself in. I turned around and fell into my roommate's embrace.

She was probably talking, asking questions, but my ears shut everything out. The only thing playing in my head, his last words.

"I love you."

I loved him. And I won't even be able to tell him. He didn't let me.

Before I know it the memory that has been teasing my brain this entire year resurfaces. Worse than ever.

Voldemort. Harry Potter. His mother.

But it doesn't end there. Not after the world breaking "avada kedavra".

The voice booms on. "Think girl. Think."

I can see the tape rewinding in my head as we go further back. I'm looking straight into the eyes of the young man that Voldemort used to be.

Not from the ground though.

Higher up.


He was holding me?

I heard the strangling voice of his nonchalantly yell "Avada Kedavra." As he stepped over the man that lay on the floor moving inside.

I pushed my eyes open, only to see the white ceiling. I sat up, sweating heavily, Delancy at my side with a cold towel.

"Y/n do you hear me? Are you okay?"

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