16 ~ Humpty Dumpty

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Sorry abt my last chapter it was undeniably boring but I wanted to make sure u guys understood what Selena and Hayden were like and why they were in Slytherin. If you have any questions or ideas please text and please press the star if you liked this chapter.

Y/ns POV

"Harry!" He turns around to meet my eyes before looking down awkwardly at his feet. It took all of my energy to get that one word out and now my brain was blanking. I don't know how I could start to explain to him what was happening. My original plan was to just not tell him until I figured it out. But now, I'm stuck working with Draco because I can't talk to Harry. I couldn't avoid him everywhere, especially after the perfect afternoon in the forbidden forest. So my first Friday job was to talk to him. Hopefully, he wouldn't be too mad. "Why'd you run away?", he lifted his eyes back up. A took a breath, and chose my words carefully, "Well, you see it started when-"

But then I had a better idea. I grinned and saw his confused reaction at my smile, "It's a long story, and neither of us has a class first period, so maybe we could go to a forbidden place and talk?" He still looked uncertain so I took his hand in mine and started walking towards the quidditch pitch to get his broomstick. I dragged him all the way there and then handed him his broom and then did the same all the way till the entrance to the forbidden forest.

I didn't know the rest of the way since I was blindfolded last time. I stopped in my steps and looked ahead. Even though it was a bright day everything inside seemed surprisingly dark. The trees weren't bright and strong as they were last time. Most of the leaves had fallen down and the branches bent over the path causing an arch. "Well, I see no more dragging me around anymore. My turn." He walked ahead of me dragging me the same way I had just moments before. I smiled inside, at least he wasn't mad at me anymore.

As we took a turn off the designated path I heard a screech from behind us. It sounded like an animal in pain. I jerked my head around and stopped walking. Harry noticed I'd stopped walking and looked back at me. "Did you hear that?" "What?" "Uh nevermind." I wasn't going to make a big deal of it, last time I tried, and it ended up with this. " Oh okay. The sky won't look like it did last time but it's always pretty." We reached the place we were at last time, and it looked really different. It hadn't been 3 days yet winter was approaching and it had turned drastically cold. I had a hoodie on and I had no classes till after lunch so I wasn't wearing my robe.

Harry mounted his broom with his feet still on the ground and held out his hand. I shuffled around, I know I'd gone up before, but the thought of it made my stomach jump. The broomstick looked unstable and the ground hard. But I'd dragged him all the way out here I wasn't going to stay down here. I looked at his perfect eyes once more as I took his hand and got on to the broom. I hugged his stomach as tight as I could with my eyes shut as the broomstick flew higher. "You can open your eyes now you know." I opened my eyes and looked down immediately, we were really high up and my grip on Harry tightened moving me closer to him.

I could feel him smiling even though I couldn't see it. His hair was a mess with the wind and I could see only his side profile. His cracked glasses and his scar. The wind blew but the broomstick remained still. He was holding on to the front of the broom and trying to turn his head back towards me. "So, why did you run away."

So I told him, starting with when he asked me if I'd ever seen anyone die before. All the way till that night Draco pushed me into the glass table. The dream that night. And finally his eyes. The only part I avoided, the parts about Blaise and Draco. His eyes musty as he tried to figure out what it all means. "My mom. You saw her die?" I nodded and he turned his head back ahead. I couldn't see him so I just rested my head on his back. I didn't want to make it worse by saying anything.

A few minutes later he turned back around and I could see the pain in his eyes. I reached up and kissed him softly before pulling back and muttered quickly, "I'm sorry." "It's not your fault. Nothing's your fault, but do you have any idea why you were there? The day Voldemort killed- the day he killed them?" I shook my head and looked down, I saw the top of the trees and moved my head back up again.

He was smiling. "You can't be this scared of heights." I rolled my eyes at him, "I'm not that scared of heights." Without a warning, he moved the broomstick ahead less than a meter and I flinched closing my eyes. "Harry!" "You just said you weren't that scared." "I'm not." "Hold on tight."

And I did, as he flew over the trees to the other side of the forest. Parallel to us, you could see the Hogwarts castle and it looked beautiful. Ancient and majestic. He took a slow turn and then we were heading back to where we started. We didn't stop though. He flew over the Loch. The blue water sparkled underneath the sun as he moved us lower, closer to the water. I reached one hand down and let my finger touch against the water. He changed direction back up and toward the forest as I held on again.

"Still scared?" "I was never scared." I smiled as the broom came to a halt. We still weren't on the ground. I wasn't holding on to him tight and really wanted to go for another round. "Can we go again?" He chuckled and turned around to look at me. "Please?", I said with a pout. And we did. Faster this time. The wind blew my hair back and I lifted my head so I could see the sky. The clouds looked like they were picked out from a painting and everything was perfect.

Draco's POV

      "Avada Kedavra." I yawned as I walked over to the baby centaur that lay in front of me unmoving. These creatures were pathetic. I could kill them within seconds. Since school had started I hadn't heard from The Dark Lord, over the summer he'd had me torturing muggles and mudbloods but this was nothing compared to the feeling of hearing their screams. Voldemort had taken a liking to me, he told me all his secrets and everything. At first, he'd tortured me over and over and over until I'd wanted to kill him. But now, he'd done it. Apparently, I was incapable of feeling now? I'd always been incapable of feeling. I rolled my eyes at the thought of it. I looked down at the centaur and stepped over it and started towards the Loch.

      I stopped at the place for I'd see y/n the other day. With Potter. The filthy half-blood. The chosen one. Don't know what she sees in him. But she'd still chosen me over him at Potions. She obviously came to her senses. Hayden on the other hand was a different problem. I'd take care of him soon.

      I stood there for a moment before heading towards the water again. And that's when I heard them. Again. Laughing as they came back on the broom. I hid behind a tree as I tried to listen in on their conversation. "Okay, that's the last ride for today. I can literally feel you shivering. You can have my sweater when we get down." "No no I'm fine." Hayden would just have to wait. Harry was getting on my nerves more and more every second.

      I looked over the side to see her hair open softly flying behind her. And her smile. It was so genuine. She really liked him. Well that's just too fucking bad, isn't it? Now would be a great time for an imperious or a crucio. Y/n would never talk to me if she saw that though. She laughed at another one of his jokes and I gave in. He's finally going to get what he deserves.

      I waved my wand and the broomstick fell to the ground. Y/n and Harry along with it. Before y/n made it too far down I whispered, "Arresto Momentum." My wand was inside my pocket but I'd mastered most spells without it by now. Harry's hit the ground with a heavy thud as I walked over to y/n. "Draco? What the fuck are you-" "Obliviate." I picked her up with my hand underneath her knees and her neck with her arm clinging around me. I apparated us inside her dorm. Shit can't have her remembering that either. "Obliviate."

Y/ns POV

     I opened my eyes to see gray ones staring back at me. "Draco? What are you doing in my room?" "Don't flatter yourself. I'm looking for my sister." "She's just left for class." "At lunch?" "Oh, it's lunchtime?" And he just rolled his eyes and walked away. He had his hands in his pockets and his head up high. The door opened for him or something? That's not possible? He turned around and looked at me emotionless before saying, "I'm sorry you got hurt that day." And then the door slammed shut and he left. He always confuses me. He had pushed me into a glass table and now apologizes for it. Wow.

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