20~ Heir

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First of all 20 chapterssss!!!! Next 28,532 readdssss!!!! Also a few new people read through my chapters, I got notifications saying they voted for chapter 1, and then a few minutes later chapter 2 and it was just perfect. And finally, do any of you watch anime because way too many of my friends do and I wanted recommendations... I'm probably going to start with death note but if you have any please tell me!! Hope you like the chapter! - T ♥️
Y/ns POV

I woke up early with the sun hitting my eyes. I blinked open to see the dark green Slytherin curtains, and then came the memories. Smiling inside I turned around to see only the cold mattress. The blanket pushed away and the area cold. He hasn't been here for a while.

Did he leave? I gulped as I stood up slowly, heading towards the bathroom. He wasn't in there. It was his room where had he gone? I bit my lip as I found my clothes from last night, holding my tears in I ran out. I quickly headed down to the common room and turned up towards the girl's dormitories. The door was locked so I'm guessing Delancy had already left for classes. I unlocked the door and headed for the shower.

My salty tears mixed with the hot water at the thought of him getting up and leaving last night. He regretted everything that happened. He didn't like me, he just used me.

I was running a little late so I just put on a pair of skinny jeans and an emerald green turtleneck. I pulled my robe on over it, grabbed my wand, and put on some black ankle boots. I put on some natural makeup and covered some of the marks that had remained from last night. I didn't have time for breakfast so I just hurriedly walked towards the classroom.

Looking around, Draco wasn't there. I went and took my usual seat next to Selena and she whispered, "You okay? I didn't see you later last night." I nodded, avoiding her gaze, and looked down at the book. "Where did you go?" "I wasn't feeling well." Apparently, Hayden has the perfect sixth sense, "Are you sure? Because we didn't see Draco there either." "Yeah, I haven't seen him either."

Draco's POV

I heard a loud noise at the window. Pulling my arm out from underneath y/n slowly I headed to the curtain. The green curtains moved aside to show a witch on her broom, her smile like a child's, and her hair a mess flying behind her. "Bellatrix? What the hell are you doing here? At 3 in the morning?"

Y/n's POV

Partverita - It is an easier and less dangerous version of Veritaserum. It was found in the late 990 A.D to be a way for students to learn about the dangers and precautions of truth potions. Some characteristics include its colorless and tastelessness. You can only ask the drinker one or maybe two questions before it wears off. Draco would be a perfect candidate for this potion. I had some questions I wanted to ask him. Selena and Hayden were talking about last night's party and I could hear Draco's voice.

"You don't know what you've gotten yourself into Princess."

I don't know why I was so stupid. Why would he even care? He was just a fuckboy who had a different girl wrapped around his finger every day. And I knew this. I knew this before. But I just had to didn't I? Couldn't I have had one normal fucking year? And now he has the audacity to ignore me? I'm the one that's supposed to be ignoring him. He's the one that left. He didn't say anything, didn't leave a note, he could've woken me up if there was a good reason. But no. He was a fucking playboy that I fell for and now I had to pay the price.

"Students. Can I have your attention, please? For the end of the first part of your project, we're going to make sure you made the right concoction by testing your partners. Can I get a volunteer to go first?" I kept my head down, hoping he wouldn't pick on me.

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