15 ~ Blonde Or Brunnete

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OKAY NO ONES GONNA BELIEVE ME BUT THIS FANFIC HAS 15000 VEIWS!!! They're dropping on my newer chapters but it still gets like 100 soooo its fine 🤷‍♀️ THANKU SOO MUCH FOR THE PEOPLE THAT ARE STILL READING AND PLS COMMENT AND LIKE.
This chapter is a little boring but I wanted to introduce the new characters. Feel free to text me for anything even if that's u just being bored literally anytime I have no life so yeah. Thankuu again! - T ♥️

Y/ns POV

    He kissed softly at my neck and I shut my eyes tight, raising my head allowing him to have more access. His tongue licked at my neck as I bit my bottom lip to stop myself from making any noise. "Don't do that." He growled from my neck. I released my lips and he went back to the kisses. My lips parted as he slowly got higher. This couldn't be happening. I wouldn't let this happen. A moan slipped off my tongue as he sucked on my jawline. I felt his smirk against my skin. But no. I thought back at what had happened with Blaise my first day here, then what happened with Harry earlier today, and then Blaise again with his warning. Just before he reached my lips I came to a realization moved my head back slightly and quickly stated, "Draco, stop."

     It came out more confident than I was and ruder than I intended. Taken aback, he lifted his head up and I moved my eyes up to match his. His stare had me shivering as his grip on my thigh tightened. He leaned down and whispered behind my ear, "Are you sure? You sure you want me to stop?" I took a deep breath and swallowed at his voice. His seductive, strong voice. I wasn't going to give myself away to the temptation. The throbbing between my thighs. His knee was still wedged between my knees as he stood strong in front of me.

     I wanted to say, "No, don't stop." I wanted to kiss him harder than I'd ever kissed anyone. I wanted to have him, right here and now.

     But I couldn't. I was a Slytherin, and this was the perfect time to start acting like one. I wasn't a "filthy mudblood Hufflepuff" I was a strong pureblood Slytherin. After this, he would remember me.

    I moved my hand up and tucked his hair behind his ear with one hand and dragged my other hand down his stomach. I reached up to my maximum height, still shorter than his, and brought my mouth next to his ear. My second hand got closer to his bulge and I could hear his breathing speed up. As soon as my hand touched his hard body through his pants I whispered into his ear, "Yes, I'm sure." I jumped off, pushing him aside, and walked to my wand. He hadn't moved at all. When I leaned down to pick up my wand his head whisked around and I felt his stare on me. I smiled to myself as I left without so much as looking at him again.


Last Potions of the week. I was going to survive. I won't have Potions tomorrow or Friday so well that was good. I hadn't seen Harry since the well, incident, and I'd been dreading it ever since. I was doing everything I could to avoid Draco too. Not sure where I'd gotten the shot of adrenaline but it had left me and now I dreaded his next move. To make the situation even better I'd have both of them together in Potions.

I didn't find Potions that bad to be quite honest. Snape liked me, he never called me out in class and picked on me only when I raised my hands. Half of the class had already gotten detention for some reason or the other, a few Slytherins too. No mercy apparently.

     Delancy had left for her first class while I'd slept in since I didn't have anything until my second period. After my shower, I decided to wear something simple, something to help me blend in. I slipped into a pair of black jeans and an oversized hoodie. I'd take my robe too of course. Grab some food from the Great Hall before heading to Potions. The Great Hall would be neat empty since breakfast was almost over and I wouldn't be at Potions too early or too late either.

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