22 ~ Unicorn

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Guyssss I'm sorry for the late updates I'm gonna try to post more nowww!!! I was supposed to upload this yesterday but I had big Valentine plans... I watched Netflix in my room hiding under a blanket and then listened to sad songs and cried myself to sleep :) so anywaysssss I have an idea for the next chapter in which everything is going to make sense. Pls like and comment -T ♥️
Y/n's POV

"Fucking stop right now." I watched as he turned around his eyes shining with anger. His hands clenched on his sides as he was about to yell something back at me. He looked down at me and his expression softened for a second, like a glitch, before returning to his usual expressionlessness. "I thought I told you before," he mutters under his breath, "don't talk to me like that."

I smile sarcastically, "Uh you don't get to tell me how to talk. You don't get to tell me anything." I yell back, "It's been almost 2 fucking months and you've said 6 words to me. Why?" My eyes drop down at the end of the sentence. He hadn't even looked at me for two months. And I was over him, so fucking over him, I didn't care anymore. But I needed to know why, it would keep bugging me.

I carefully turn my head back up to see him staring at the wall parallel to us, "Draco?" His head snapped back to meet mine. "Why?" "I try to refrain from hanging out around mudbloods like you." It almost hurt. I felt my breathing speed up, "At least I wasn't the one begging to sleep with you." His smirk returned, "I wasn't the one screaming." My brows furrowed I reply, "I wasn't the one who left." Now it hurt.

      I looked down at my feet. I could see my knee-high socks and the bottom of my short denim overalls. I'd paired it with an oversized long-sleeved black shirt and dark blue converse. Draco had dark blue shoes and a suit tailored to match, on a Sunday. He's always dressed so fancy. I didn't meet his eyes but I could feel his silver orbs piercing me. "Yeah, that was me.", with that he left.

Draco's POV

"Her full name boy." "Y/n y/l/n."

I hadn't wanted to tell him. Afraid that he was going to hurt her. Hurt her because I didn't want to. Because I couldn't. I could never. Afraid that he would want me to. He would make me. Because I wasn't allowed to feel whatever it was I felt for her. Wasn't allowed to feel. Pain. Hurt. Love.

I needed to see his reaction. To see if it was anger or worse. Still on my knees with my entire body shaking, I looked up to meet his eyes. But they weren't look back at me. His pale figure had turned a few shades lighter and he seemed worried? Distressed? It was too easy to read him. It was never this easy. I sat there silently waiting for him to come back. From where ever he was.

It had been not long since he'd returned. And not everyone knew how weak he really was. But it wasn't him that was the problem. It was the hundreds of his followers.

     This wasn't how it was supposed to go. What the fuck was she doing to me. I had it all planned out for this year. And then she decided to waltz into our room on the train and then, well, everything. How could I have let this happen? I had known her a whole of 4 months and, fuck. This is everything going wrong. 

      I headed towards the room of requirement, it's where I spent all of my free time nowadays. I've barely even spoken to Hayden or even Blaise. Time was running out and I had to finish this soon. 

Y/n's POV

      He left. I watched as he walked away, hands back in his pocket. I spun around on my heels and started towards the Great Hall. It was Valentine's day and Theo, Blaise, Hayden, Selena and I had decided to take a trip down to The Three Broomsticks. Over the past few months Hayden and Selena had started half dating, and Hayden and I became great friends. He still remained the only person who knew what happened between me and Draco and I was the only one who he had told about his parents. 

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