24 ~ I'm Sorry

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Warning Mature Content Ahead

Do you ever feel like you really need to be smarter? Like am I just stupid or some shit? Cause I have absolutely no idea what I want to do with my life and I need to know, everyone knows, why can't I? Like it just hit me that I will be leaving for college soon but I can't imagine living away from my family? Stuff I dreamed of as a kid, going to college all by myself, and now I can't even think of it without breaking down? I really don't know why I'm writing this but I don't know who else to tell this to. On a much better note please follow my account, I am thinking of starting a new book and I really hope it doesn't flop so thankuuu!


Draco's POV

What the fuck? How the hell did she remember? "I need to go talk to Harry." Well, she's still talking to me, so how much exactly does she remember? Hayden had fallen asleep on my sister's bed, where was she anyway?

One major problem at a time. She swung her legs off the bed and headed towards the door. "Where exactly do you think you're going, Princess?" The last word flew off my tongue before I could think. I can't call her that anymore.

"Gryffindor common room. I need to talk to Harry." I sighed as I ran down the steps after her. "Y/n." I caught up with her just outside the main door. She wouldn't listen. "Y/n." She just kept half walking, half running. I sped up and grabbed her wrist pulling her to a stop. She turned around, inches away from my face and I could smell her, same as always. Sugar, honey, and flowers.

"It's the middle of the night. And- Wait what do you remember exactly." "Just something me and Harry need to talk about." Fuck, I wasn't getting any answers from her. I needed them though. "So what, you are Harry are a couple now?" "What no, of course not, we're just friends." I'd drilled that phrase into her head the night of the, well, murder. I wished at that moment for a touch of regret but absolutely nothing.

"Y/n." I fake sighed as I met her eyes again. "Harry is in a coma remember?" You could see her memories returning through her pale blue eyes. I still couldn't figure out what made my spell on her fade. She wasn't supposed to know any of this. "But, but he can't be-" She had known before that he was in a coma, but earlier he was just an acquaintance, now he was a 'good friend'?

"Yesterday evening- he-" "What did you need to talk to Harry about?" "It's a long story, I just need to-" She tried to turn back around but I pulled her back, my grip still tight on her wrist. "Just let me go Draco." "I have all the time in the world for you", wow, even I didn't know I could be this cringe, "Just talk to me."

And she did. She told me everything that she remembered. From the Thestrals to what she and Harry talked about. To the memory, she had of his parent's death. It fits in with the story I had heard from The Dark Lord. Y/n's mother broke up with him before she knew she was pregnant herself. When she found out she was, she did everything she could to keep it a secret from him. But on her first birthday, he had found her and taken her away from her mother. It consequently happened to be the same day that he killed the Potter's. I'm guessing y/n had witnessed that. Her mother had taken her back home before Hagrid could make it to their house. It all made sense.

Y/n sat on the table, in the empty classroom as her story came to an end. I had been pacing back and forth in front of her for the past half hour. So in conclusion, I had been tasked to killing the Dark Lord's daughter for his revenge on her mother. Fuck. This year was not supposed to go like this. I had had the perfect plan. One with a miraculous ending. I had fulfilled every single one of the dark lord's wishes. Murdered and tortured people because of what he would do if I didn't. My mother, the one person I loved more than anything else in the world. I would do anything for her. And I had because if I didn't kill y/n, he would kill my mother. And my flawless plan apparently had a flaw. One I needed to fix soon because he was weak. And he wouldn't be for long.

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