28 ~ Grammy's

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FIRST THINGS FIRST SOMEONE ACTUALLY PUT THIS STORY ON THEIR TIK TOK ASKING FOR THE VIEWERS TO READ IT AND THANKU SO MUCH YOU LITERALLY MADE MY ENTIRE FREAKING YEAR. On a more normal note, I had been thinking of just ending this story but there are too many loose threads so I will finish the fanfic completely... If you are still here thanku once moreee! - T

Y/n's POV

The strong scent of his deodorant engulfed me as I walked alongside him to the Hufflepuff common room. Everything was absolutely perfect.

I couldn't help the smile as it crept up on my face.

"We were just wondering what you two were up to." Hayden chuckled and Cedric looked over at us knowingly. "Ew that's absolutely disgusting, that's my little brother." "Not y/n's little brother though." The entire group laughed as Delancy rolled her eyes, muttering, "Ridiculous."

Cedric tapped the barrels in a funny tune as Delancy took a step back. "One wrong pat and we get drenched in vinegar." The rest took a step back as well while the lid of the barrel opened showing an empty room inside.

We all walked in and saw that all the furniture had been pushed along the walls and all that remained in the middle was a table with a brown puppy teddy bear on top. The lights were off but we could clearly see the forsythia yellow walls beautifully decorated with vines and plants.

"Aww, a teddy bear." Selena squealed. I took a few quick steps ahead to pick up the puppy but before I could, Draco's hand swatted my mine away. I looked up at him confused.

"It's a portkey." Hayden's voice came from behind us. Of course dumbo, how didn't I realize that. I always manage to embarrass myself. Another thing to cringe about in a few months.

The group gathered around the table as Cedric gave us a countdown. I barely touched the soft toy before I felt as if I had been picked up and thrown down the  Burj Khalifa. The strong winds seemed to pull and tug at my body and I wasn't sure if I was going to survive the fall down.

But the next moment, I landed down on my feet with a feeling that I had just been punched in my stomach. I opened my eyes to see a crowd of paparazzi on one side madly clicking pictures and Selena on the other side, about to throw up.

About 5 minutes late everyone seemed okay so I tried to make it past the blockade of paparazzi to see what the big hustle was about.

With the background of a big black wall, nestled with golden gramophones? The screaming and chattering increased as a light brunette in a beautiful floral dress and adorable pink heels walked across, posing for the pictures.

As the realization hit me, I got pulled back out of the crowd. Our group was heading along towards a little door as I asked, "Why are we at the Grammys?" "The what?" Hayden turned over to Cedric who was fumbling with a phone, "The Grammy's, Cedric?"

"Well, the back party of this place isn't visible to the public. It starts off as some fancy ball thing but the part after that is the good part. Most big celebrities stop by for a while too so why not?"

The others still looked unbelievably confused at our conversation. Draco seemed bored and Hayden looked just as excited as I was. I'd grown up listening to so many of these singers. The others probably had too but I'm guessing they didn't pay too much attention to them.

"Why are you two so damn excited, it's a bunch of boring old singers." I rolled my eyes at my date as I tried to look back to see who was walking the red carpet currently. Cedric gave our tickets, fake ones I'm guessing, to the security guard letting us pass.

The inside looked like something out of a movie. With couples dresses beautifully dancing around the center stage and the rest sipping champagne on glass tables. "Looks better than the Yule ball."

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