2 ~ Trios

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Highly unexpected but a few people actually read it.. idk I thought that people only read the popular books with billions of likes but either way it was fun so we have a second chapter!

I heard the train doors slam behind me moments after I got on. My parents, being my parents, had to go over every single life lesson in these last few minutes. After we said our goodbyes I ran onto the train with my suitcases. I felt bad for not kissing them goodbye so I went over to the window and saw them waiting for the train to depart. I felt their faces light up when they saw me and yelled, "I love you!", just before the train pulled out of the station.

I walked ahead to find an empty compartment but it seemed they were all full. Most were full with groups of four, I passed a pair of twins sitting and laughing. A few blocks ahead there were these quiet kids reading and I immediately knew I wouldn't fit in there. I kept walking and saw 2 kids making out in one of the compartments and not completely sure why but I was shocked. A few seconds later one of them looked up to saw me staring and I quickly turned around and walked in the door opposite of theirs.

I felt my heart return to its normal pace until I opened my eyes to see 3 boys staring at me like I was a completely different species. From their looks alone they didn't seem like the nicest people but, as I learned 5 minutes ago from my parents for the umpteenth time, "never judge a book by its cover". There was a guy with super short black hair, dark skin, and black eyes. The first reaction; he was hot. He seemed like a "Dwayne" so I just stuck with that. Next to him sat a slightly chubby guy with short brown hair that was shaved into a weird arrow shape? I wasn't a fan. I'll just call him, "Benny".

Lastly, I turned to face a blonde with piercing silver eyes. His hair was pretty long and he was immediately my favorite. He had an adorable smile on his face and his eyes were glowing as the sun hit them at an angle. He was sitting with one of his elbows just above his knees and that leg outstretches in-front of him. His hand was curled up into a ball and his face rested on his fist while his other hand lay loosely over his left knee. He seemed like a "Dylan". I smiled back at him.

Draco's POV

I, Goyle, and Zabini were talking about important things when this random bitch just waltzed in. She had her back up against the door as she seemingly analyzed each one of us. She was shorter than me and was wearing a black mini skirt. She has been accepted. She will definitely be one of the girls to fall to my feet and do whatever I want. When she turned to face me I changed my facial expressions immediately to a smile. She smiled back.

Ugh. Probably another mudblood Gryffindor that Dumbledore will love.

I felt my face settle back to my normal frown and saw her face fall. Definitely another mudblood Gryffindor that Dumbledore will love.

She started talking and I looked away rolling my eyes. I saw Zabini seeming very interested in whatever she was saying and laughed in my head. Over my thoughts, I could hear her saying something like, "Hey so um- my name is y/n! I actually was stuck at Beauxbatons for the past few years and then I transferred here." Zabini was the only one who was actually talking to her. Stupid.

              I had more on my mind so I stared outside the window wondering about everything that happened over the last year. I felt it burning on my arm. It starting hurting less but it hurt. I don't even think it was the mark anymore. Maybe it was the cruciatus curse that was still in my head from a few days ago. Maybe it was the thought of my first murder. Maybe it was just me.

            Blaise was just about to introduce us to.. whatever her name was. She had taken a few steps to the seat next to me but before she could sit down the door to the compartment slammed open again.


            So I was wrong. Dylan was definitely not a Dylan. The moment I smiled back, his face turned into a frown and he rolled his eyes away. I'm not going to change his name though. Dwayne on the other hand was really nice. He never got to telling me his name but we made fun of Beauxbatons together.

            "Lucky huh? Getting out of Beauxbatons that school is almost as bad as Durmstrangs"
            "At points... it's worse"
            "Well welcome to Hogwarts anyways, I'm-"
            He got cut off when this dark brown haired girl stormed in. Shit. Flashback? She was the one in the opposite room making out with that guy. She stared at me and I felt kind of weird. I gave in and half smiled and tried to introduce myself. "Heyy, my name is-" Before I finished she scrunched up her eyes and exclaimed, "What the hell are you doing about to sit next to my boyfriend!?" I quickly turned around to see Dylan's emotionless expression before I looked back at- well- Emily apologetically. "Oh I'm soo sorry I didn't know." I didn't actually need to say this next part but it sort of just blurted out, " I thought the guy in the other compartment was..?" She started yelling at me again, "Well maybe don't start making random assumptions about people!" I moved away from Dylan and she immediately went to him and started kissing him. Biting her bottom lip she in a high-pitched voice she goes, "Hii boyfriend.." Dylan jerks her away and reminds her, "For the tenth time I am not your boyfriend Pansy." She acted as if that was totally normal and sat back in a huff.

            "As I was saying before I was rudely interested", Dwayne continues glaring at Pansy, "my name is Blaise, this is Goyle", he says pointing to Benny, "and that's Draco." I looked over the four of them again and for a third time regretted the decision to come in here.

            Draco was the first to speak up after a few seconds of awkward silence. He still had Pansy clinging on to this arm. And I felt the sarcastic change in his voice. I'm guessing that the time he was speaking to Pansy was his real voice and the way he said this was him making fun of me. "So before you danced in, we were actually talking about something so if you would leave it would be pretty perfect." His voice was annoyed, full of himself so basically everything from Beauxbatons I ran away from. I decided to do the same here. I quickly muttered a bye to Blaise who smiled back nicely and left.

             Wow. I thought to myself. That was a great start. I realized I'd only been in there for around 10 minutes and had hours left till arrival so I had to go find another room to spend the rest of my time in. I walked ahead to find another room with an empty seat. There was a redhead gorging on chocolates, a brunette with curls holding a book laughing at him, and a guy with longish brown hair and glasses. I thought of nicknames for each of them too like I always end up doing. I went with Jasper, Athena, and Lewis.

Okay so this chapter was longer than the first but still way too short and only like 10 people read it but I wanted to just explain that Harry Potter's main plotline does follow... sort of you'll realize throughout the book... Cedric too is also alive but the competition still happened. And yeah I think that's it... if you've made it here thankuuu smmmm!!!
~ T ♥️

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