12 ~ Punished

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7000 READS !! Also wanted to thank the people that texted about more ideas for the fanfiction I'm sorry I can't use all of them in this chapter (also the name of this chapter isn't what y'all think it is so think of it without ur dirty mind for a second 🤦‍♀️)

Thank you so much you guys I love you all so much! I made a few new spells in this chapter and I'm thinking of making a special chapter to show you guys just a few spells that aren't from the book and the characters too!

PS- Just asking but how old do u guys think I am? Hahahahaa ♥️
Y/n's POV

   "Oh my God, where the hell have you been? I was worried sick!" Delancy exclaims as she pulls me into a hug. I had just walked into our dorm and woken her up with the creak of our door. "Can't- breath- oxygen necessary-" She laughs and lets me go. "I swear I thought I'd have to kill my brother." "He told you?" "Told me? Told me what? I saw him leaving our room last night, he was a mess. I thought he kidnapped you or something." "Ohh I don't know about that, I just got hurt, I was with Madame Pomfrey." "Oh no, darling are you okay?" "Yeah I'm perfectly fine, a few bruises but probably nothing compared to going to Snape's class today. I really hope he's not as bad as you explained." "Oh, he's not. He's worse." We both laugh and walk over to the closet. I pick out clothes for today, Delancy was already ready so she just stood there criticizing every match I came up with. She was a little Malfoy after all. But I wouldn't have her any other way.

   I heard someone knock on the door, "I'll go get it." Delancy gets up while I finalize my outfit, a pair of black ripped jeans with a simple dark green button-up. Matched with my green converse and hair half up half down. I wasn't going to let anyone ruin this day. I turn around as Cedric is giving Delancy a kiss on her forehead and exclaim, "If there was a prom here you guys would definitely be king and queen." Cedric chuckles while Delancy looks at me and then at him and back at me, "What?" I laugh and shake my head as I walk towards the shower. "Bye guys, I'll see you at lunch?" They nod and walk out of the room hand in hand. I wish I had what they had. Someone perfect.

I take a quick shower and walk back out with time to spare. I decide to put on light make up before leaving for my first class of the day. I had charms followed by transfiguration and lastly potions. I already dreaded going to potions.


"Y/n! Wait up!" "Oh hey Delancy, hi Cedric." "Hey." "Okay so I'm sorry but I can't see you at lunch today I'm going to help Cedric practice for quidditch." "Oh ok, that's fine." I matched her smile but now I was afraid. Who the hell was I going to sit with? I'd sat in the back for charms and got paired up with Luna for transfigurations. I pushed aside my worries and said bye to the couple and went to the Great Hall.

As I walked down the aisle, avoiding Blaise's eyes, to the corner we always sat at. Before I could sit down I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see my favorite pair of green eyes looking slightly down at me. "Hey." "Oh hi, Harry." "Is Delancy coming in?" "Oh no, not today." "Well, then why don't you come to sit with us?" I look over to see Hermione and Ron laughing at the table over. "Are you sure?" "Yes of course."

He takes my hand and helps me back up. We walk over to the Gryffindor table and take a seat. Ron and Hermione were sitting with the backs to the Slytherin table and I was sitting next to Harry in-front of them. Luckily Blaise was facing the opposite way so I wouldn't have to see him. On the other hand, Draco was sitting right in front of me. I hadn't seen him since.. well since the fight. Delancy had said she had seen him near our room and he hadn't said anything to her so I was guessing he wanted to talk to me. But he hadn't said a word to me so I was just going to ignore him.

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