31 ~ Horcruxes

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Guys, it's done!! I have all the chapters planned out and this fanfic is gonna end this week w 3 more chaps if everything goes according to plan! I kind of don't want it to end but ig I don't really have another choice :( Anyways pls follow so you can know when I start my new story... Plus do text if you have any ideas for my next story I love yall so much thanku for still being here!

Y/n's POV

"I have no idea but I definitely don't like the sound of it," I answered as I ran out following Draco with the two girls right behind me.

The three of us sprinted down the wooden staircase trying to keep up with the blonde. He ran towards the boy's dorm rooms and pushed open his door. Greeted with an empty room, he immediately stepped to the carpet that lay in front of their window. He pushed the sofa off before diverting his attention back to us.

"A little privacy ladies?"

Our heads turned to each other before I exclaimed, "Draco what the fuck is going on?" Selena continues, "Yeah, he isn't allowed to stay out this late he could get expelled." And Delancy finishes, "I don't care what kind of idiocity you have gotten yourself into this time Draco, but I swear to god if someone else gets in trouble because of it-"

He barely paid us any attention as he dragged the bean bags off the emerald woven nylon. "Delancy darling I don't have time to listen to your blabbering right now." As the space on the carpet cleared he lifted his hand. Pushing it towards us I figured he was going to wandlessly close the door.

Draco still hadn't spared us a glance. I managed to step in, flinching as the door behind me slammed shut. He still hadn't seemed to notice. He tugged at the carpet, pulling it up, and tossing it behind him.

The wooden flooring revealed a small door with a keyhole. I dared a step closer and the floor creaked, his head snapped to mine. His lips pursed as he looked up at me.

"Fucking hell y/n. Did the slamming of the door not hint at your unrequirement here?"

"Open the door Draco." "Y/n-" "Where's Hayden then?" "Look it's more-" "Draco you need to give me something to go off of here."

He looked down the trap door without a response. "I heard- I heard you talking to Hayden a few days ago." That got his attention quickly. "In the room of requirement." "What did you hear?" "Well not really that much, bits and pieces."

He stood up, striding across the room towards me. "Y/n what the fuck did you hear?"

I could feel his breath up against my forehead as my eyes shut. I hadn't told him about what I heard before, I probably should have. His hands gripped at my chin pulling me up till our eyes matched.

"Y/n-" He growled as I thought of what to say.

His eyes shone through mine angrily as I realized, "Why the fuck should I tell you?" I pulled myself back from his grip and looked up at him myself.

"You're the one acting like a perfect boyfriend one minute and then like this the other. You're the one keeping hundreds of secrets and getting mad when I try to find out about them. Secrets about me I might add." Losing my breath as I finished my sentence, I notice his shocked self.

I was definitely going to pay for this. I took a step to the side and walked over to the window, kneeling in front of the key he had half inserted into the slot. Before he could understand, I turned it and pulled the heavy lid up. I stood up using all my body strength as it landed back down with a slight crash.

A green fog emerged and spread across the room yet it seemed as though it couldn't touch me or Draco. When it neared I saw a silver glint and it made its way around.

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