25 ~ Restricted

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GUYS WE GOT 1000 VOTES!!! This fanfic is coming to an end though so please follow me cause I want to release another one similar to this and I really do not want it to flop... and lastlyyyy I think the plot's going to unfold a lot more over the next chapters and the next one should be out tomorrow because I feel bad it's been like 5 days since the last update 🙄 please ignore me trying to add Miraculous quotes into my story anywaysss ly - T

Y/n's POV

    "So?" "Theo forced himself on her while he was too drunk or high on, well whatever you had him on."

     He didn't look anywhere but my eyes, and I couldn't pull mine away. I stood, staring at him, trying to pay attention to what the boys were asking me. Both of them on either side of me, yelling, and I couldn't say a thing.

    Hayden grabbed my shoulders and turned me over to face him. His eyes glowing with anger, the same kind I'd seen on Draco.

    And yet I still felt like I didn't understand a word they were saying.

    Their mouths were moving but no words were coming out, I couldn't decode anything.

    It felt like they were too far, and too quiet. I stood there trying to think of something to say until,

    "Blaise, stay with her. Hayden, you're with me." His deep, authoritative voice broke all the walls and everyone else stopped talking.

    Hayden and Blaise didn't even argue, as Draco stormed off once more and Hayden followed. I barely made two steps before Blaise grabbed my arm and pulled me back into his embrace. "They aren't going to listen," and I knew that, but I had to try. Yet I couldn't move.

    "Are you okay?" I nodded into his chest as he pulled me closer and rested his head on mine. Almost 5 minutes later I heard the footsteps of a group walking past us. He pulled away and lifted my head to look up to his, "Common room? It'll be empty by now and we'll know when Draco and Hayden get back."

    His arm still slung over my shoulder we head back towards the common room. The gates closed and Blaise walked over to me balled up on the sofa.

    "He deserves it you know." "Not what they'll do to him, they're going to-" Blaise knew I was right, he didn't say anything back for a while. I buried my head into my knees resting on the armrest of the emerald sofa.

    "You're not right. Hayden won't let Draco do anything- everything that Draco would have done by himself."

    I opened my eyes in my knees as the clogs in my brain started to turn. Blaise didn't know, Hayden hadn't told anyone, not even Selena. His parents were death eaters, he'd grown up around them and Draco. The glint of fire in his eyes suddenly made a lot more sense. Blaise was wrong, Hayden being there wasn't going to make things any better, maybe even worse.

    I got off the couch and headed towards the door, "Stop, what are you doing?" "I have to go stop them-" "Y/n it's been 20 minutes, you aren't going to find them anywhere." It didn't matter, I had to do something.

     I was just about to step out the door before, "Don't you remember the time you found me in the hospital?" I stopped, "That was Draco?" I turned my head around to see him nodding. "But we weren't even friends back then."

    "Draco's brain works in weird and confusing ways," Tell me about it. "But for once, I'm surprised that you don't get it." He sits up, on the chair as I step closer.

    "He liked you y/n, he's always liked you."

    Before I got the chance to react the portrait swung open behind me. I spun around to see the boys walking in. I immediately saw the blood on their fists trickling down their forearms. The sweat, thick on their face and their hair a ruffled mess. "The common room Blaise really?"

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