10 ~ Dior Sauvage

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Thank you guys so much for reading commenting and voting!! Also thanku to the people who texted me with ideas for the next few chaptersss I did use quite a few of them! I'm sorry if this chapters a little long but I couldn't stop myself at the end.. ♥️
Y/n's POV

Lunch. I'd been sobbing through the break between our first and second classes and our second class got canceled so I'd continued crying for the first half an hour at least. Delancy wanted to skip her class to take care of me as well but that'd just be another thing I'd feel bad for.
"No no no, it's fine really, I'll just stay here. You've barely moved for the past hour I'm not going to leave you." "Delancy I'll be fine I need to take a shower and get ready for lunch. I'll just take a shower for about an hour and you'll be back before I'm out." "Are you sure though? Cause I can punch someone up for you on my way to Muggle Studies." "I'll make you a list of people to punch tomorrow." I half laughed half sobbed out. She was already late so she gave me a final hug as I pushed her out of the door. Only to collapse on the floor in front with my head in my hands. I didn't deserve her.

30 minutes later I decided she might be coming back soon so I should go take the shower I told her I'd take. I stripped down in front of the mirror and waved my wand to hang the clothes on the hooks nearby. I turned the knob and pulled it out slowly watching the shower turn into light red color. I put my hand in and shook it off before stepping in for the third time today. The water droplets bounced down my body and I shut my eyes and lifted my head up. I didn't have any makeup left on my face and I had my hair up in a bun. I tugged on the band as it gave away and my hair fell down to my shoulders. 

I looked down and I suddenly remembered the way Draco had healed my shoulder and the way he looked at me when he did. The way he left. I remembered my shirt band had fallen down my shoulders with Blaise. The way he looked at me. The way he left. I felt the salty tears mix with the hot water from the shower above as I massaged my fingers through my head.

"Y/n? You aren't hiding under your covers so I'm assuming you managed to get something accomplished?" I walked out of the bathroom in pale skinny jeans a black tank top and a red and black flannel. "Started working on that list, took a shower, just the usual." I smiled. I felt a lot better. They didn't matter, Blaise, Draco. None of them. And I was going to make sure I wasn't going to let them ruin my "junior" year.

We walked out of our dorms and along with a few other doors until we got to the steps to the common room. I still hadn't told Delancy exactly who did what, and she didn't ask but I could see she wanted to know. I tried to ignore it cause I didn't want to give her a reason to fight with her brother or his best friend. We didn't need any more drama here.

We walked over to the end of the long table and sat down laughing at our most recent interaction with the Peeves. I glanced over to the center of the table and saw Draco sitting down across Goyle with Pansy's head resting on his shoulder. He hadn't seen me yet and I was so happy about that. I might be able to make it out without having to look at him. At his beautiful haunting eyes. I looked at the food in front of me and dug in. I hadn't had anything in so long. I had some roast chicken and black pudding. I talked to Delancy about her classes as her boyfriend came in and sat across from us. He reached up gave her a kiss and sat back down.

            "Hi, I'm Cedric, Cedric Diggory." "Y/n. Delancy talks a lot about you." "Ohhh really," he looks over at Delancy and then back at me, "what's she been saying?" "Well, I promised not to tell." "Ahh, I see I'll have to get it out from her later." Delancy blushed and even though I was a pretty big part of the conversation I felt like a third wheel. I finished up the pudding and told both of them I need to get ready for my next class. I half hugged Delancy and smiled at Cedric before walking out.

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