13 ~ Kisses

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Heyy sorry about not updating sooner schools being really annoying... and more importantly, I started watching a new show :) you can guess which one was more important... thank you for reading!! - T ♥️

     "Harry! Where are we going?" I laughed out. "Okay, we're almost there." "I swear I'm going to trip over something. Hahahaaa can't I just walk there myself?" "Noo just another minute I promise." He had one of his hands over my eyes and the other one around my waist as we walked outside through the forbidden forest. Well, I think. I haven't been here for too long so I can't be sure. "Harry?" "Yeah." "You do know we aren't allowed to go in here right?" "Uh yeah, but technically no one has to know right?" I smirked as we kept on walking. I felt the ground underneath my feet grow softer. We weren't walking on the path, I'm pretty sure we were on grass.
    I felt the sun hit my skin and the breeze go through my hair. Even with my eyes closed and having no clue where I was going, I felt safe. I trusted Harry. More than I've ever trusted any of my friends in my last school at least. He walked alongside me and for about 10 minutes. "Okay, okay we're here." I heard a thud behind me and flinched my head back. He still had his hand covering my eyes so I did see anything. "It's fine, it's fine. It's just my broomstick." I exhaled and I felt his arm leave my waist. A second later he moved his other hand away and my eyes fluttered open.

    In front of me, I saw bright green trees. I could hear the squirrels chattering and the sky was bright red. The sun was setting behind us and it was beautiful. It was amazing, but you could have seen this anywhere in the forest. I wasn't going to say that though. He was being sweet and it was perfect. I spun around trying to see why this place was so special. He put his arms on both of my shoulders pulling me to a halt. "I'm not just weird or stupid. This isn't what I brought u here to show you." He turned around and walked up to his broomstick. "It's not far it's just-" "The broom? Oh no no no."

     I turned around and started walking the way we came. His arm grabbed my shoulder and spun me around so our faces were only inches away. Our breaths merged into one as he stared straight into my eyes. He was no doubt taller than me and I barely made it to his chin. His eyes flickered from one eye to another and then finally down to my lips. My lips parted and his head bent down slowly. Way too slowly. He held my chin between his thumb and pointer finger and pulled it up to match his. His head went lower and I reached up on my tippy toes and held the side of his head pulling it down and our lips collided.

Draco's POV

     I heard the door bang shut behind me. I smirked as I walked down the corridor with my hands in the pockets of my trousers. Two girls were giggling a few meters away, both of them were pretty cute. They were both Slytherins a year below me and well they passed. I could feel their eyes at the back of my head so I turned around to look right at them. I didn't stop walking. They both blushed and looked down, wow no challenge. When they looked back up I winked at them, still with my hands in my pockets walking backward, spun around, and went down to the dungeons.

"Oh hey Draco." Pansy licked her lips and spoke in a girly sweet voice as I sat down. I interlocked my hands behind my head and looked around the room. A voice sounded from the front of the room, "Have you seen Blaise? We were supposed to meet in the library but he hasn't shown up." I turned around to see Loony Lovegood standing outside the door, "No, he's busy." I turned my eyes back to the fireplace in front of me. "Busy doing what?" "Stuff." "What kind of stuff?" I rolled my eyes, flicked my wand, and heard the door slam behind me. Annoying Ravenclaws.

Harry's POV

And our lips collided. I cupped her cheeks and pulled her close while her hands brushed through my hair. It was perfect. I pulled away grinning like an idiot and she smiled, beautiful as ever. "I'm still not getting on that broom." She raised her eyebrows looking at the broomstick that lay a few meters away. I chuckled and quickly replied, "Do you trust me?" She looked around before meeting my eyes and nodding her head, "Yeah."

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