23 ~ Harry

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Draco's POV

"She will pay?" "Oh yes. That she will."

He got off his high chair and took a full circle of his throne before coming to stand right in front of me. "And you're going to help me do it."

"How?" "Well from the little snip that I've seen, you seem rather close to her daughter. Y/n was it? Just something to send a message to her darling mother."

       "Everyone can feel you changing Draco, it's not a secret." I heard Hayden's voice as a background music over the Dark Lords in my head. "Whatever the task is, I'm sure you can handle it."

        I jolted my head around to meet him. My hands clenched in a fist, and my nails burning deeper into my palm.

        "That's fucking easy for you to say isn't it? You haven't had to do anything for him. You don't even know my fucking task is but here you are with you're whole ass positivity that I don't have time to deal with! So get the fuck out, before I make you." I let out a breath, still staring at his composed structure.

        "Dracs, I've been friends with you since you started working for the Dark Lord, you aren't going to do anything. I've seen so much more than you have and whatever your problem is I'm sure you're going to figure it out. At worst, it's killing a muggle, and you've done that before so why are you overreacting this time?"

        "Depulso." I watched as he skidded back, confused. I shut the doors in front of him loudly, he'd get the hint.

       I wanted to yell back at him. Tell him why it was worse. Ignoring her was making me want to kill myself, how the fuck was I supposed to kill her?

Y/n's POV

"Oh there he is." The five of us looked over to see Hayden running over. He kissed Selena on the forehead and our group headed back out towards the exit. Theodore and I, Blaise and Daphne, Hayden and Selena. Slowly our group split into two, the girls walking ahead and the boys close behind until we got to The Three Broomsticks. "Let's start off with 6 butterbeers ay?"


       "Really Hayden?" "Well why not? It's a Sunday." I laughed as I took another sip of my abnormally throat burning butter beer. "Ohh that's a lot." "I wouldn't have put that much if Selena here hadn't noticed and moved my hand." About an hour later everyone seemed pretty tipsy but I just didn't feel like drinking.

       The group was talking and singing so I decided to step out for a second. The pub was stuffy and the cold February air hit my legs. For Valentines all the girls decided to match in red outfits, so I had changed into an oversized cropped red sweater with a short plaid skirt and tights. I walked across the street to Honeydukes and looked in through the window. I had such a sweet tooth, or well sweet teeth to be honest.

       I felt someone's warm hand on my shoulder and I spun around to see Theodore's black hair and slightly red eyes. "Ha you're drunk." "Really baby?" I smiled and turned back around to the store. I saw little kids hopping around looking for what to buy. They looked so happy.

        I could feel Theo's warm breath on the back of my neck. It got closer and closer until he started kissing the back of my neck. I jerked my head around in shock and before I could register what just happened his lips hit mine.

       One of his hands held my cheek while the other was tangled in my hair. And I kissed him back.

        He took my hand and pulled me to a smaller empty ally next to the store and pushed me back up against the wall. I softly moaned into his mouth as his tongue licked my lips asking for entry. I opened my mouth and his tongue attacked every inch of my mouth. His hands made their way lower and lower, he grabbed my ass and continued until he reached the hem of my skirt. Without hesitation his hand pushed my skirt out of the way.

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