14 ~ Stop

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GUYS 7000 READS (well views don't think all you managed to make it through) u rly have no clue how happy I am I had absolutely no hopes for this book but thanku soo much for reading and please press the star button if you like this chapter. This is my favorite chapter till now soo I hope you like it. Text me if you have any ideas for this fanfic! - T ♥️
Draco's POV

I walked back into the Slytherin common room tugging at the roots of my hair. "Back so soon honey?" "Shut the fuck up Pansy." She sunk back into her couch frowning like a toddler. I rolled my eyes as I walked past her and up to mine and Blaise's dorm. My head hurt and I could feel my heartbeat in my chest. I didn't have a heart. I had tortured 100s of people over the past summer. I'd killed even more. I had no remorse. I. Had. No. Remorse. Then why the fuck did I care so much about her. Why was I willing to torture Zabini and kill Potter over her. I needed to talk to someone. I banged my hand on the wood underneath my duvet. I took one deep breath as I got up and left my room. I needed to talk to him.

Y/ns POV

I closed the door to my dorm shut and checked to make sure I was alone before sliding down to my knees. I pulled at my hair hoping to disguise some of the internal pain with the physical one. It didn't help. I could barely see two feet in front of me. Everything was a blur. My head ached with more pain than ever before as the same images flashed through my head over and over. They didn't stop.

"Avada Kedavra!"

I wasn't going to cry over a headache. A nightmare. I pushed myself back to my feet leaning an arm pushed over the door. I took a deep breath and sat down at the edge of my bed. It was on a loop.

"Always remember- I- I love you s-soo much."

 Her eyes were the perfect shade of green. His face flashed before my eyes. The way he looked at me as I ran away. The way his voice sounded calling out for me. The way you could see a tiny bit of his scar through his messy hair. I clutched at my covers until my hand physically hurt. I needed to go to the hospital wing. I don't know if I'd make it but if have to.

I stumbled over to the mirror to see my bloodshot eyes. I looked pale and I moved my hand up to my forehead. It was burning. Madame Pomfrey would help. I pushed open the door and cluttered down the stairs hoping no one would notice. I made it out of the common room and started climbing up the steps clinging to the handles.


"Madame Pomfrey? Madame Pomfrey are you here?" "She's not here y/n." I walked a few beds over to see Blaise lying down with blood trickling down his chin. "Blaise? What the hell happened to you? Are you okay?" The ends of his lips tugged upwards slightly as he said, "Shocked to see you still care, after- well. You know." "I don't." I scrunched up my face and looked away.

 "You don't deserve any of this." He had my attention again, "Deserve this? You did this." I spoke out of pure spite. He had left me there without a second thought and now he had the audacity to say I didn't deserve this!?

    "Y/n it's not like that." "Then what is it like? Huh? Tell me, please explain to me. What is it like?" He didn't say a word. I turned my head away just before it hit again.

"Avada Kedavra!"

I sat down on the bed next to his with my head in my hands. "I'm sorry y/n. I'm so sorry." I jerked my head up to see the sincerity in his eyes. He looked upset. He looked disappointed in himself. He didn't meet my eyes. After a minute of silence, waiting for the pounding in my head to stop, I asked again, "Who did this to you?" That got his attention.

He met my eyes immediately and quickly spilled out, "You have to be careful. Stay away from Draco." "Ha, I try to do that anyway. I've been avoiding him pretty well. I don't care anymore, let him do his worst." "Y/n you don't know what he's capable of." I chuckled at the comment. "He's a bully, I've dealt with those before." "No no no y/n. This is different. He's much more than a bully. He's- Just stay away."

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