6 ~ Princess

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So the views and reads are still dropping but you guys don't know how much fun this is. This one... oh this one gonna be spicy.. and it's just the beginning. Also, I wanted to increase the suspense so I ended up trying something sort of weird but keep reading and you'll understand. If you ever have any ideas or problems or want someone to talk about that's not even related to the book, feel free to text (it's not DM here right?)


Y/n's POV

            I walked away quickly trying to make it to the defense against the dark arts classroom as I heard his friends laughing behind me. Halfway out I felt myself getting weak. On the first day of school things I wanted to make sure I got to my classes on time so I had at least 10 minutes to calm myself before I would get a detention. I saw a door open next to me with no one inside so I walked in and shut the door. I could feel myself breaking down. My knees buckled as I had my back up against the door. I slid onto the cold marble floor and felt myself shiver. I used the back sleeve of my robe to wipe my tears but they never seemed to end. The seconds felt like hours and I wasn't really sure how long it had been before the door behind me opened.

It had been my only source of support and I fell down face first. My legs were still behind the door as the person behind it pushed it open completely and my legs slid out of the way. I grasped on to the first thing I felt and tried to pull myself up with the support of the table. I had dried tears all over my face and I could feel the mascara running down my cheeks. I got myself onto my knees and lifted my face to see the man standing before me. He was my age but calling him a boy would be demeaning. His hair gleamed in the light along with his eyes. The rest of his body shadowed in the unlit room. You could see his muscles as his elbow rested on the door frame and his head on his fist. He looked down at me while I was looking up at him and I hated the fact that he was so much higher than me.

I pulled myself up with all the energy I had and tried to reach his eye level. Despite all my best efforts, I was much shorter than him and my shaking wasn't helping. He had hurt me yet I found myself lost in his silver eyes. They looked unreal and like a work of art. This was just his eyes. Trying to describe him as a person would be impossible. I wanted to slap him, I wanted to yell at him and curse at him yet I wanted him to touch me again. I wanted him to ask me if I was okay and tuck my hair behind my ear.

After way too long I finally gathered up all my strength and stated 5 words. My boldness surprised me but I knew with my quivering lip and shaking body nothing I said would sound important. "Out of the way Malfoy." I sound like a real Slytherin and I wish I looked like one too. When he didn't respond or react to my words in any way I repeated myself, "Get the fuck out of my way." I wasn't expecting him to give in and let me walk out.

I was expecting more of a rude comeback. But boy was I wrong on both accounts. With one quick glide, he had his body up against mine and my back collided with the wall. My eyes shut tightly as I registered the pain. I could feel his minty apple breath on my forehead and left ear and I was afraid of what I'd seen when I opened my eyes. A lifetime later I shuttered open my eyelids and stared into his cold lifeless silver eyes. No care. No love. No regret. Just nothing. He had his arms on both sides of my head caging me. I waited for him to say something and when he didn't I opened my mouth but before the words made it out he yelled, "You do not speak like that to me!" His voice was ice cold and authoritative. It was hoarse and low and I knew my knees were shaking. "Do I make myself clear?" I was confused and scared and didn't have the thought flow to think of a reply.

His fist hit the wall next to me and I flinched to the left. "Do I make myself clear!?" I tried to think of something to say, a simple yes would suffice, but the words stuck in my throat. I didn't want him to hit the wall again so I managed something out that sounded a lot like a, "uh-huh." It came out as no more than a whisper and that wasn't enough for him. I felt his arms slowly drop down to his side and I let out a breath, but before they made it there they came back up to my throat. His cold rings pushed deep into my neck and I knew I couldn't survive like this for long. I tried to pry his hands away but that just led to him using one of his hands to grab both of my wrists and pin them above my head. I squirmed underneath him and I knew I couldn't do anything. I wasn't going to be one of those dumb girls who mumbled out something like, "You're hurting me." Weak ass princesses. I always rolled my eyes when girls acted weakly but I get how they felt at this moment. I didn't want to sound weak but I couldn't help as I whimpered and closed my eyes tightly hoping to relieve myself of some of the pain.

All of a sudden he held his hands tighter around my throat and I could sense my eyes rolling to the back of my head as I was about to pass out. My eyes shut and I heard him whisper in an undertone into my ear, "Don't ever do that again." He let go of my throat and then my hands and moved his body away. Those were the only things keeping me up at this point so I slid onto the floor again. My eyes were still closed and I couldn't stop the tears as they rolled down my chin. I would have thought there wouldn't be any tears left to cry by now. By the time I had the power to look up he was gone and it was as if nothing had ever happened. All that was left was the strong smell of his cologne and the bruises around my neck. I wanted to do nothing more than go back to my dorm, locky myself in my room, and cry. I couldn't do that, not on my first day. I looked up at the grandfather clock that stood in front of me and saw that I had less than 2 minutes to get to my class.

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