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I nervously hid behind a couple of bushes as I stared at Jibeom who was waiting for me in front of a cafe. I absolutely didn't know what I had to do or if I could even act normal in the first place. Still, I could not make him wait for me forever...

I decided to walk towards him with all the bravery I could find within me and waved at him with a nervous smile. His face lit up and without saying anything he grabbed my hand and started to walk. "There's no need to be nervous," he said on a soft tone, "We've hung around so many times, you can feel comfortable with me. I'm not suddenly going to bite you," he chuckled a bit and I nodded, trying to relax as he told me to. I held his hand a bit tighter as we walked through the streets, people looking at us holding hands. My face lit up a bit, because he felt like my boyfriend right now.

"Wanna get some cupcakes?" He asked as we stopped in front of one of my favorite candy shops, noticing my gaze upon the sweets in the store. It was as if he knew this was one of my favorite stores. "Yes!" I said happily as I opened the door of the shop and started to investigate which cupcake I'd like to eat, as Jibeom just chuckled as he stood beside me. After a few minutes of looking at all the possibilities I decided I'd go for a blue cupcake with a dolphin on it. Jibeom went for a red one with strawberries. 

After we paid we went to take a seat near the window and I started to eat the cupcake. It was so incredibly good I forgot my manners and started to eat a bit clumsily, causing my face to get full of the cream on top of the cupcake. Before I could realize, Jibeom had already grabbed a tissue and cleaned up my face, like how you see it in drama's. I started to blush a little as he chuckled, "Still as clumsy," he smiled as he finished his own cupcake, and after that we chatted for a while, until a familliar face stepped into the shop: Jangjun.

He almost ran into the store and went to grab a bunch of cupcakes. He paid and as he looked around, he spotted us in the store. He stared at us a bit awkwardly, not knowing if he had to say 'hi' or not and eventually just sat down somewhere far away from us. "Well that was awkward," I chuckled as Jibeom shook his head. "It's not, though. I'm not embarassed to be with you." He smiled and I did the same. He was so incredibly lovely to me.

I wanted to tell him something when Jibeoms phone rang. "I really need to take this," he said and I nodded, telling him it was okay for him to pick up the phone and so he did. "Hello?" I heard him say, his face looking a bit serious. "Sure, I guess." Jibeom said with a sigh, "Something you won't like," he shrugged and went to sit back, "anyway, see you later, bro." and with that Jibeom hung up the phone. "I'm sorry, just my family." he smiled a bit awkwardly as I nodded. "So, you want to go do something? Or is the homework for tomorrow too much?" he asked, knowing that I was a good student and liked doing all the homework. "It's fine, one day won't kill me," I told him and we stood up, Jibeom immediately grabbing my hand again as we walked out of the store.

Why did I never notice this sweet side of him before? 

"Thank you by the way," I said softly as he turned his head around to look at me. "For what?" he asked as I smiled a bit. "For always being there for me, and--" I wanted to say something, but I got interrupted by someone pushing Jibeom away. 

"What do you think you're doing?" To my surprise, the person who had pushed away Jibeom was someone rather unexpected: It was Jangjun.

"Doing what?" Jibeom asked as he stood up, looking at Jangjun a bit angrily. "You know exactly what I'm talking about. Don't play dumb with me." Jangjun hissed as he grabbed Jibeoms collar. What was going on here? "Jangjun, listen. I know that friend of yours is jealous and all, but just let me enjoy my first date. I don't want to hear about his bullcrap anymore." Jibeom pushed Jangjun away and grabbed my hand, walking away from Jangjun. "Just wait until you get home," Jangjun yelled, "you won't like it so much then anymore." And with that Jangjun walked away.

"Don't tell me they're going to gang up near your house," I asked a bit worriedly as he sighed, "It's not like that's never happened before, so I'll be fine. I fear for what might be worse.. But don't stress over it. It is just a personal problem," Jibeom sighed and wanted to walk further, but I stopped.

"Jibeom," I said, with tears in my eyes, "I do really like you, but.." I stared at the ground, "If getting hurt is the only thing you get from me then," I took a deep breath, 

"Then I think it might be better if we wouldn't see each other." 

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now