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It was 2AM and I was sitting in my room, staring at a certain object in my room. Since I came back home, I kept staring at it with longing eyes, but doubt in an equal amount. 

"Should I do it?" I thought out loud as my eyes were still on the nightstand, the object my eyes couldn't look away from. In the drawer of my nightstand was the thing I was looking for. The piece of paper I had temporarily put away; The paper with Joochans phone number.

"It wouldn't do any harm, right? After all he has kissed me, wouldn't that mean something?" I concluded and my arm went to move before I could even change my mind. "All or nothing," I nervously grabbed the paper and looked at the handwriting on the letter again.

'Call me, xxxxxxxxxx' it said, as I chuckled at it while blushing softly. I never was hit on by anyone, so the sensation of someone's interest on me was overwhelming to me. On a very positive way, though. 

I stared at the number and saved it in my phone, as my heart nervously started to beat in my chest. Was this really happening? 

"What should I even say?" I wondered as I had clicked on his name and opened a chat, scrolling through some smileys and stickers I had. "Yes, this one-- Oh no!" My eyes widened when I had accidentally send a sticker to him without checking the text written on the sticker. I screamed and threw my phone away as it was way too embarassing to even breathe: I send him a cat sticker with 'good morning' written next to it. What was I even thinking? It was 2AM. 

"I just screwed everything up," I cried out and hit my pillow as I was so embarassed and wanted to hit myself in my face. "Why me?" I complained as I let my head fall on my pillow. I sighed and tried to calm down, after all I couldn't undo what had already happened. Just when I started to calm down, I heard my phone buzzing and beeping. "Oh no," I panicked as I jumped up and started to wander around through my room with my hands on my head. "What if he saw it?" I worriedly thought as I tried to woman up and go look at my phone to see the text I had gotten. Maybe it wasn't even Joochans in the end.

"There we go," I grabbed my phone and my eyes darted on the screen:

The 'we share one braincell squad'

Are u guys still awake?

I sighed relieved as it was just Jaehyun, so I decided to respond to him and distract myself from my own embarassment.

Yes, my ears hurt bcs of the music...

I will bring earplugs for you next time

Also for me~~~I need themmm

No ur a jerk for letting me alone at the party w/ that stupid friend of Seungmin.


You guys know I'm in this group too... right?

I laughed and shook my head. This was typically how my friends were.

Hong Joochan:
Cute.. I should've opened it tomorrow

I startled when I saw the notification and yelled out loud while jumping on my bed. Did he just respond to me? With shaking hands I decided to open the chat with Joochan as I stared at the message. Why did my heart have to flutter at that? 

Hong Joochan:
The music must've been loud for you, so take care of yourself

My cheeks flushed red when he said it, so my hands shakingly gave him a response.

You too, you should take care of yourself, too

Hong Joochan:
*Good night cat sticker*

I chuckled at my phone and smiled broadly. Texting him maybe wasn't such a bad idea after all.

The 'we share one braincell squad'

I'm gonna sleep now though

Me too, I don't want my sleeping pattern to be disturbed again

Good night guys!

Just when I wanted to put my phone away to go to sleep, I got another message from someone.

I know I can't ask this from you but can you please come to my house?
Something's hapenned

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now