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"What are you guys talking about?" Asked Jibeom a bit confused after listening to Daeyeols rant about finding out that Sunggi was Y's sister. "Oh well, it's complicated," Daeyeol answered as he locked eyes with me. "We can tell him," I said as Daeyeol nodded and went to tell about the note we found and the fact we thought Y had to do with it. "Why do you think Y would meddle in with your business? Isn't he supposed to be a bad boy and stuff like you?" Jibeom wondered as Daeyeol looked a bit awkward, not knowing how to respond. I kicked his foot under the table as he flashed a confused look at me.

"I'm sorry, maybe that as too blunt," Jibeom finally said as Daeyeol shook his head, "It's fine." Daeyeol went to tell Jibeom that Y had been acting suspicious at his party having a weird phonecall as Jibeom seemed quite surprised. "You should've told me. I don't want anyone hurting you." Jibeom said looking at me dead serious. "But then again, what does Y want from you?" 

I sighed and stared at my plate, "We don't know it either, but we don't have any other leads except for him. Plus, I don't get why he is covering up his real name," I muttered as Daeyeol agreed. "Indeed, it seems like his sister joined our school last year. I've never seen them together. I just happened to find out because Daeyin is friends with her." 

I then suddenly remembered the day i tried to talk with Daeyin. There was another girl there, could it be that it was Sunggi?  I remembered vaguely that I read such nametag... "Y's been a fuck boy hasn't he? Does he perhaps just want to seduce you?  I mean Joochan's been on your heels that way too," Jibeom suggested a bit annoyed and I could tell he was quite unpleased with the situation. "Well, whatever it may be, I'll be with you, okay?" Jibeom smiled at me and I nodded, as he went to stand up to move to his classroom. "Come with me, I don't want Y near you for a while," Jibeom said and I did what he told me while making eye contact with Joochan. He had never layed his eyes on something else all this time, which was making me feel quite flustered.

I felt my phone buzzing and my eyes went over the screen.

Hong Joochan
I'll wait for you after class, I'll pick you up

I smiled a bit feeling warm inside and went to sit down next to Jibeom in the classroom. There wasn't a lot I could do except for stay with my friends until I was absolutely sure of my suspicion. After all, if I were to be wrong, that would mess up too much in the circle of people I interacted with.

Hong Joochan
I'm now going 

I hope you won't find anything

Hong Joochan
Me too

I sighed and put my phone away, focussing on the lesson I was supposed to have, but my mind couldn't help to wander around to the thoughts in my mind. I started to draw doodles in my notebook to distract myself but started drawing Joochan which made my thoughts return.

After all, the person I remembered was him.


I decided to walk back to my locker when I saw someone putting cookies on top of my locker again. I was eager to expose the person who was giving me these cookies so I quietly stood still in the middle of the hallway, my eyes resting on the guy that was already tall enough to reach the top of the lockers. He slowly put it there, looked around, and then locked eyes with me.

His face was to the rounder side, his hair was a bit messy and he was wearing a PE outfit. He looked pretty atlethic too. He started to blush and quickly ran away, but I was quick enough to read his nametag. 'Hong Joochan' it said, as I thought his name was nice. I smiled and wondered why a guy looking that could would ever like me, when another guy walked to my locker and grabbed the cookies. 

I just stood there and stared at it, looking at how the guy removed the cookies from my locker and threw it in a trashcan. 

"You will never get her, I'll make sure of that," he said, and then walked away with big steps.

Big steps I found all too familiar.

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now