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I rushed through the hallways as Jaehyun supported me. I absolutely lost control over the situation and I was only acting without thinking. Why did Joochan and Jibeom get into a fight? Did Jibeom really like me? Or was it just something that Seungmin made up?

Jaehyun opened the door and we walked right into them; both had a few drops of blood on their faces and they held each other angrily. The looks in their eyes were so fierce I got scared myself. "If she just fuckin' knew what you were really like," Joochan hissed and punched him in his face, "How you use to be, and shall be." Jibeom fell onto the ground but jumped up and kicked Joochan in his stumach, who immediately collapsed forward with a scream of pain. "I won't ever be like you. I know that's what you've wanted but I will not, Hong Joochn. And I will never forgive you." Jibeom spit on Joochans face, who growled and ran up to Jibeom, punching him twice in his face. "You are the devil inside an angel's body, Jibeom, and one day that will show," Joochan punched Jibeom unconcious and turned around, to look straight in my eyes.

I didn't know what to say, I just froze. But Joochan ran towards me and hugged me tightly without a reason. I wondered why, but I did not say anything. I liked being in his grip. It felt safe and warm. "You shouldn't be out here," He grabbed my hand and helped me walk inside. I grabbed his hand softly. His hands were bigger than mine and fell perfectly into his. I blushed slightly but when I did, Jaehyun interfered. "Where do you think you're going with her?" He asked as he smiled confidently. "I'm bringing her to her hospital bed, she should rest. I figured you wanted to take care of Jibeom. He should be treated." He explained and then pulled me into the hospital corridors.

It felt like I was seeing a whole different side of Joochan. I could not explain in words, but he was more confident than ever. More caring than ever. It made me wonder if I foresaw this in my dreams.

"Here, I called a nurse to check on you. You shouldn't have rushed outside." he let go of my hand and put the blanket over my body. "I will leave now.." he waved and walked out of the room. I was honestly completely baffled by everything. However, I did not have much time to think about it because one of the nurses came to check on me like Joochan told me. 

"Is everything fine, Miss?" She asked and went to grab some things to check up my health with. "I guess so," I smiled at her, "I just had an indicent just now. So I ran out of the room." I explained as she nodded and checked my bloodpressure. "You've got such a caring boyfriend," She smiled happily as if she was dreaming away, "He looks after you so well." I wondered who she was talking about, but I remained silent. "He even stayed all night to take care of you." 

I startled a little when I thought back of the night. I thought everyone had left when I passed out? "S-stayed?" I asked as she nodded enthusiastically. "yes, he even asked me how to treat you properly. He's a keeper." It was then that I realized that the dream I had about Joochan was not a dream. Had he really taken care of me?

"He stayed," I smiled as I got happy thinking he actually took care of me like that. He also told me not to cry in my sleep. I smiled as the nurse left the room, because I was okay. 

This way, you're really seducing me, Hong Joochan.

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now