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I was on my way walking home, after a tiring and emotional day, when I bumped into Jaehyun.
He was smiling at something in his hands and as nosy as I was, I decided to jump scare him from behind. I ran towards him and slapped his shoulders when he yelled and turned around. "Yah!" He yelled, "Do you want me to have a heart attack or something?" I laughed a bit and gently patted his shoulders when I noticed a small paper in his hand.

"What is that?" I asked curiously, as he quickly put the paper away when I saw I was referring to it. "N-nothing," He said and continued walking, but I stopped him. "It's not nothing, I saw you smiling at it," I teased him as his cheeks became red. "Someone gave it to you, right?" I pointed at him as he started walking again and I followed him. "Come on! You can tell me," I smiled at him and tapped his shoulder a few times before he stopped. "F-fine, someone gave it to me, yes."  I cheered and clapped my hands. "Who?" I asked as his tried to avoid eye contact. He scratched his head a few times before continuing to walk again. "Fair enough," I said, "I didn't tell you about Jibeom either." 

"Jibeom?" He asked a bit confused and I nodded. "Yeah, it's a long story, but I think I messed up." I admitted and he shook his head. "You mean what happened with Daeyeol today?" he asked as I gasped, "You saw that?" I yelled and he nodded while laughing softly, "You had been quiet all day. I had to know you were okay." he explained and I 'ahwed' at his sweetness and sighed afterwards. "Both of them are just so.. so.. I can't even describe it," I tried to explain and he nodded, "I don't know them and I know something's up. They both seem to like you. I guess that turned them into greater enemies than they already were," Jaehyun concluded and I agreed. It seemed like that was happening, although I didn't really get why they would both like me in the first place.

"The note," Jaehyun suddenly spoke up, "The note you saw. It's an invitation. At first I wanted to ask you to join me, but since both of them will be there, I think it might be better if you miss out on this one," he explained and handed me the paper. It was a big handwriting, but very neat. The note was clearly meant for Jaehyun only, since the person who wrote the letter drew a cartoon of him on the paper. I thought it was adorable. Could Jaehyun have a secret admirer too? "You know what? I don't care that they're there. I am your friend, and I want to know the owner of this note. So, therefore I made up my mind that I will join you." I announced proudly and he chuckled. "Fine, I'll try to keep you away from those bastards." 

Jaehyun and I had reached his home, so since we were both going to the party I went with him.I followed him inside and greeted his sister, who was eating cornflakes on the couch. She was still going to middle school, but she was incredibly smart. It seemed like she took up all the family's intelligence, since Jaehyun barely scored a C for any subject.

"Can I ask you something?" I suddenly askwed when we were in the kitchen to prepare some food. "Of course," Jaehyun answered as he put on some ramen to eat later. "You remember the day we met Jibeom, right?" I asked and Jaehyun responded with the same thing as before. "Don't you remember him being close to someone all the time, until he started talking to us?" I had wondered about this since last night. Jibeom was quite popular and he had tons of friends and was close with someone always. I couldn't remember his face, but they were like best buddies. Then, they stopped talking and soon after, he became friends with us. I never really thought about it until yesterday, when Daeyeol told me that he knew something about them. "I think, that Joochan has to do something with it. Whether he was the friend or the one who ruined his friendship.. I feel like he has to do something with it." I told Jaehyun and I could see his was thinking.

"I think you might have a point. I never really thought about it, but I know one thing for certain. Bomin's got to do with it." Jaehyun noted and I gave him a confused look. "Yes, I wanted to tell you this, but yesterday when I walked out of the cafeteria, I heard Bomin having a conversation with Jibeom.. and it didn't sound like just a casual conversation," He explained. "So, Bomin and Jibeom know each other?" I wondered as he nodded. "Exactly, that's strange, because in public they don't seem like they know each other at all," he turned off the stove and put the noodles into two bowls.

"I think Bomin is the one behind their fights," Jaehyun said, "And he's just not after theirs, but after ours too." 

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now