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"Rosaline," said Joochan with a tone a bit unfamiliar, "We need to talk now." I stared at my phone that I was put on speaker because I was cleaning my desk. "Don't tell me.." I paused for while, knowing quite well what he wanted to talk about, ".. that you found.." "I did find something, but I don't know, I really don't know.. If.." He stammered and I told him to calm down a little. "How could he do this?" he eventually asked, clearly hurt by his feelings. I didn't know exactly why, but I decided to stay quiet.

"Joochan, how close were you with Y?" I decided to ask him as Joochan sighed. "That's the thing, Rosa," he paused.

"It's not Y." 

Both of us kept quiet for a while. not knowing how to respond or what to say. It was such silence that was extremely tensed, because at least I was absolutely confused. I thought I remebered the guy dumping the cookies as Y, but after all, all people change. I didn't recognize Joochan at all. I was dumb enough to not even remember he was the same Joochan.

It was the moment he helped me with PE, standing there in his sports uniform that I had my suspicions, and after seeing him taking care of me in the hospital I was sure that it wasn't Jibeom but Joochan that was the guy that liked me. The guy in middle school I started liking too, before he went away.

"I know it's a bit late, but can we perhaps meet up?" He asked a bit carefully, giving me everything but a bad boy vibe. That was another thing about him. I wasn't sure if he truly was a bad boy or it was just an act he had, but no matter what it was, I knew that I liked him no matter what. The happy feeling inside when I was with him was just different from anyone ever. 

"I think we can, but I have to let my parents know where we are going." I told him, "Also, act as if you're Jaehyun, okay?  He's the only guy they trust.." I said a bit awkwardly as he sighed and chuckled. "Alright." 

I went to go downstairs and explained to my parents Jaehyun was feeling sick so I wanted to go to his house and they agreed, so I went to go outside and met up with Joochan in one of the streets near school. "Hey," he waved at me and I could see he was troubled. It was almost as if he was holding back tears.

"Alright, sit down. There's honestly so much to tell you," he smiled a bit awkwardly and scratched his ear and sat down next to me, offering his jacket to me since it was cold, so I accepted it and he put it around me carefully. He smiled a bit and stared at the sky. "Sometimes, life comes with the greatest plottwists," Joochan started, "Sometimes, those plottwists are the best in the world. Like, the day I bumped into you. I was afraid I'd never see you again, but that day I found you." he smiled and I did too. "But sometimes, the plottwists life offers us aren't that great. Sometimes, they make you lose faith in the ones you love." he stared at the ground and took a deep breath.

"I went to look up Y's school history. It seemed like he had gotten in some trouble before, for two timing people. It appears he has dated Bomins ex-girlfriend ad they got in a fight. But they made up. I was curious to why, so I went to look up some old friends that were close with Bomin, and it seems Bomin was close to not only Y, but also to Jibeom. And guess who else was close to him? Y." 

he kept quiet, "So, since Jibeom had never told me he hung around with those people, I went to Jibeoms room. And there, I found something."

I stared at him a bit confused. "I found notes, tons of notes with ideas and plans to seduce you." he said, "But that's not all. He hates me, with all his heart. Even more so than I thought. It appears he wants revenge on me," He explained as he held one of the notes. "Why would he want to take revenge on you?" I wondered as he sighed. "I truly didn't know he was that childish, but there was this girl Jibeom really liked. She always stopped by our house and had dinner with us. Jibeom liked her, and I knew that, because he told me. I tried to set them up, but in the end she confessed to me instead of him. Jibeom saw, and he felt betrayed. And therefore his words; 'I can't forgive him, for ruining the only love I ever had. Now that he has a crush himself I'll let him know what it feels like. I'll just take her away from you, brother of mine.'" he quoted from the letter, as I grabbed it to check if it was really true.

He then handed me two other notes. 'I met her. But why does she keep talking about those stupid cookies? also, why did she have to bump into him out of all people?' 
'To get her attention: Seperate her from those loyal friends of her. They will know. Jaehyun: Mark Lee, stalker police issue a234eir9. Seungmin: bullied for being gay; Boyfriend. -->  Y. Had a crush on him for ages but is afraid to admit. Make him fall for him.' 

My hands started shaking and I dropped the papers, tears welling up in my eyes. So everything Jibeom did for me and our friends... were all fake?  he hated me? he hated Jaehyun and Seungmin? Before I knew it, I had started crying and I felt Joochans arm wrapping around me as he pulled me close. I couldn't stop crying, because he was my best friend. I thought he truly cared about me. How could someone do that?  He called a criminal to be with Jaehyun! why would you even do that?

"I'm here for you," Joochan whispered, "I won't betray you. Ever. I know it's hard to trust anyone right now. I've lived with him all that time, thinking it was cool and he hated me for being popular. But truly acting like a bad boy was just me trying so hard to forget you, but I guess Jibeom knew that and found a way to take revenge." he softly said as I held him tighter. I just prayed that he wouldn't betray me either. 

"Rosaline, I don't want you near him ever again in my life. And I want him to know." Joochan said, 

"He will definitely see the end of the world."

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now