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I sat in the library together with Jaehyun and Daeyeol, trying to figure out what the message on the paper meant.  After I had found the note I immediately went to the people I trusted most. I figured that I might not be able to solve the code just by myself, because the person who wrote it might not have the same way of thinking as I did.

"It seems like the numbers mean something. Maybe we can use them to fill in the blanks?" Jaehyun pointed at the 8 blank spots on the note and I nodded. "Aren't there only 6 numbers? How are we supposed to convert 6 numbers into 8 letters?" Daeyeol noted as he grabbed the note and pointed at the empty spots. "Maybe we have to guess the word first and then use the numbers to solve or finish the sentence. It could be more components after all." He explained and he grabbed some pens and a pape where we could write things down.

"What if we're supposed to finish this sentence?" Jaehyun suddenly said as Daeyeol and I chuckled, "That's what Daeyeol just said, you powder brain," I joked and we laughed a bit before focussing again. "When you showed up, I was really what?" I thought out loud. "It's kind of disturbing we don't know if it is supposed to be something positive or something negative..." Daeyeol also thought out loud. "What about the word dreadful?" I suggesed, "it has 8 letters doesn't it?"

excited we wrote down the word and started looking at the numbers. "Maybe the nubers refer to the alphabet," Daeyeol suggested as he wrote down the alphabet. "So, 4 is the letter D. 3 is C, 2 is B, 1 is A, 5 is E and again D. Maybe we're supposed to make a word with these letters?" 

I remained silent and thought for a while. The letters used didn't seem to reallt make any sense. "Wait a minute," Daeyeol suddenly said, "What if these letters refer to letters used in the word we had to make up? After all, the numbers are written next to it." Daeyeol explained his theory as I fascinatingly nodded. I was surprised by his intelligence. I thought he was really cool.

"You could be right. Then, it would be D E A R F D." Jaehyun wrote down. "Dear?" we wrote down the word dear. "But what is FD supposed to be?" Daeyeol wondered and I agreed with him, what we made up still didn't seem to work. "What if it's a different word? Like a positive word?" I suggested as we all went to think about some words that would have 8 letters, fit in the context and sounded positive.

"What are you guys doing?" We heard someone joining our table as we quickly put away the note, "It's no use, I've seen it already." The person who joined us, Joochan, said as he let out his hand. "I've been standing here for a good minute, you know," he said and waited for us to show him the note. "So, you haven't written this note?" Daeyeol questioned as Joochan frowned and shook his head. "No, I haven't. Whose note is this?" he asked as everyone pointed at me, "Well, she's the person who has gotten it." 

Joochan looked a bit worried at my direction and started at the paper. "Why does it feel like I've seen this before? There's supposed to be a word here, right?" He asked as we confirmed and explained what we got so far. "It must be another word for sure," was Joochans conclusion as we wrote down a couple of words, that hopefully fit the 8 letter limit. 

"Guys," I suddenly thought of a word, "I think I found it." I asked for the note, that Jaehyun and Daeyeol were holding and I checked if it would fit the context. I quickly wrote the word down.

'grateful' it said.

"Grateful? Isn't this leading towards a confession?" Joochan noted a bit frustrated as the others seemed to agree. "But well, let's try. It could never do any harm." Daeyeol concluded as we went to write down the letters that matched the number. It took us a good minute, before a word was slowly forming on the paper in front of us.

"Guys," Daeyeol said as he held the paper in front of us, "I think that it might not be a love letter after all," he looked at us a bit anxious, before turning the paper around with the most scared expression I had seen on his face so far.

I read the word clearly, and my heart sunk to the ground.

"T A R G E T" 

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now