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"Hey," I was greeted by Jaehyun as I was walking to school. It was monday and I had been in the hospital all weekend, but luckily I got discharged yesterday evening, alongside Jaehyun. We both looked a bit bruisy but it was not as bad as we thought. "Like this, it looks like we're part of a badguy gang," Jaehyun joked as I agreed, "It seems like we'll be the new baddies." I said as we saw Jibeom waiting for us in the far distance.

In the hospital I had thought about Jibeom a bit. But honestly, I didn't know what to think. Why was it that I didn't dislike the thought of him liking me? 

It was confusing to me, since he had always looked after me so well. I didn't dislike him being close to me or being sweet to me. Yet, I had feelings for Joochan? Or was that just nervousness? I had made a promise with myself to just let it go and see what would happen, but now that I was seeing Jibeom I actually got nervous. How would I be able to act normal again?

"Good morning," he greeted and went to walk next to me, at which I got too shy to even look his way. "Slept well?" He asked and Jaehyun went to tell a story about a dream he had and I laughed a bit since he had the craziest dreams a person could think of. "So you killed two dinosaurs?" I laughed and he nodded. "Yeah, it was so cool to be a robot." he nodded proudly as I slowly glanced at Jibeom, whose eyes were on me as well.

"What about you?" he smiled and I didn't know how to respond since I dreamt about Joochan and Jibeom fighting... "W-well--" I tried to say but luckily I was saved by Seungmin and Y, who were walking hand in hand together and stopped walking to wait for us. "Hey guys!" Seungmin yelled as we waved back and went to walk next to them. "Are you two doing well?" Seungmin asked as both Jaehyun and I nodded, "Yeah, kinda," Jaehyun said and Seungmin sighed out of relief. "That's good," Y said a bit coldly and went to pull Seungmin next to himself again, as we continued the walk in silence.

I didn't know how to feel about Y yet. It felt like he was hiding something, or something was wrong. I couldn't decide what it was yet, but I was suspicious of him. The way he reacted in the hospital was weird as well: it seemed like he wasn't surprised at all. The thought of him hiding something kept going through my head all the time I was there. I guess knowing that Y probably wasn't his real name either didn't make it any better. 

"We have class together, right?" Jibeom asked me as I nodded softly, "I believe so." Jibeom went to grab my wrist and dragged me to the classroom as my eyes kept on my wrist and his hand. Wasn't this something lovers did? I kept staring until I felt something on my other wrist. "If you'd excuse us." 

I turned around to be met with Joochan, who looked at Jibeom fiercely. I startled since it was simular to my dream. Would they fight again?

"How about I just--" I tried to say but they both went to pull me and it didn't go unnoticed for the people in the hallway. They started to form a circle around us and I started to cry. "Please," I said and suddenly Joochan and Jibeom let go of me. "See what you did?" Jibeom hissed and pulled me to his chest. "Why do you always have to get on my nerves?" he added and then dragged me away. It felt like I was a puppet, yet I didn't resist being in his grip.

"Rosaline," he said, "I'm sorry," he let go of me and checked if I was doing okay. "It's just that Joochan is dangerous. I don't want you close to him. Next to that, he even pushed me away while taking care of you in the hospital," he smiled softly and patted my head. "Just be happy. You don't have to be with me either. Just be happy," he then walked away as I was left dumbfounded.

Be with him? Did that mean that he liked me?

And the hospital? Was he the actual person who took care of me?

I started to wonder and wonder..

Wouldn't it be better to fall in love with Jibeom?

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now