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The next day at school was absolutely terrible. I had hid myself from Joochan all day; after all what I did yesterday was something even I didn't understand. I had told Jaehyun all about it and I doubted he could ever look at me normally again. I mean, wasn't I supposed to hate Joochan because he lied to me? Then why did I kiss him?

I had my head down when I sat in the cafeteria, afraid that I would see Joochan. I really couldn't face him... After I kissed him, I ran away and he hadn't spoken to me since. All weekend I had felt anxious about going to school again, but luckily I knew Jaehyun was by my side. 

Because of all my thinking, I came to the conclusion that Jaehyun was my best friend, and my only friend right now. I had also thought about Jaehyuns invitation.. It almost was as if we were supposed to go there, or at least Jaehyun was, since I wasn't invited. Plus, who was the person who handed Jaehyun that invitation in the first place?

"You can just eat your meal, he's not here," Jaehyun spoke up as I slowly raised my head and glanced around for a while before nodding and I started eating. "Look, Joochan's a bad boy, do you really think he'd worry about this? The only thing he might do is trying to seduce you, but since you already 'confessed', chances are he leaves you alone now." Jaehyun tried to rationalize the situation and I sighed deeply. Why was it that the thought of him leaving me alone made me feel a bit dissapointed?

I decided to not think too much and so I quickly ate my lunch, because I wanted to leave as soon as possible. Jaehyun luckily ate quickly too. So, after a minute of three we left the cafeteria and went to sit somewhere else, where there would be more peace and quiet. In the end, we decided to sit with Daeyeol, who was having lunch with some girl. "Hello," Jaehyun greeted as the girl blushed at seeing us. "Are you two a couple?" she giggled as both Jaehyun and I shared an awkward look. "They're not," Daeyeol quickly said as he moved to the side so we could sit down. 

"Aren't you with Joochan?" Daeyeol asked and I looked at him a bit confused. "Why would I be with him now?" I wondered and Daeyeol just quickly shrugged and started eating his food. "So, what class are you guys in? I remember seeing you two around quite often," The girl said and I figured she must be a different grade than we were. She seemed a bit younger, too. "We are in the senior year, just like Daeyeol." I explained and she nodded. "This is Daeyin. She is my younger sister." Daeyeol introduced her to explain the situation and we introduced ourselves to her. We didn't know he had a sister in the first place.

"I transferred here," Daeyin started to tell, "I was bullied there. So, even though I avoided going here, I had to in the end." She smiled a bit akwardly and we tried to give her a warm welcome. "By the way, isn't Jibeom in this school, too?" She asked as Jaehyun and I shared a look. Did she know Jibeom? "Actually, we are friends with him," Jaehyun said as Daeyin looked a bit surprised. "Oh, Is that so?" She smiled a bit awkwardly. She looked quit flustered. Could it be she had a crush on him?

Suddenly, my phone started buzzing and of course, I answered the phone without checking who was calling, because I somehow assumed the person calling would be Seungmin. However, the voice who started speaking to me did not belong to Seungmin, it belonged to Joochan.

"Meet me in the hallway behind our Biology class," he said, "I have something to tell you." And after that he hung up. What was going on? Why did he want to see me? Was he going to break my heart? 

"Excuse me," I said as I stood up, a bit nervous as to what he had to say. Why was I secretly hoping him to confess to me? WIth a pounting heart I ran towards the hallway where Joochan wanted to meet me. I would probably laugh at myself afterwards, but at that moment, an unknown energy had consmed me.

As I came closer towards the place where I saw Joochan standing, he started walking towards me. He looked quite confident and I started looking more insecure. I absolutely had no idea what he was going to do. He stopped in front of me, and stared directly into my eyes. He didnt say anything and just moved forward, and softly pressed his lips on mine. My eyes closed automatically and my heart went crazy. 

"You know what you've started," He said as he pulled away, "Now let me finish it." after that he walked away, however, as he looked around the corner he immediately stepped back and dragged me with him. He pointed in a direction, and there I saw two people talking to each other.

Bomin and Y.

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now