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After lunch break we had PE class, which was the only class in school I truly hated. You had to excercise in front of your whole grade, which was great if you could actually do sports. However, for someone like me, that was not the case. If there was anything I failed at, it was PE.

For my friends however, this was completely different. Seungmin enjoyed this class because he was good at sports, therefore he was not bullied as much as in his other classes for being childish.
For Jaehyun it was literally the only subject he somehow succeeded in without having to use me as an answer mechanism. So for the sake of my friends I never complained about PE with them around.

After changing I stepped into the big sports hall and joined Jaehyun, who was already done changing before me.
"Hey!" He waved and pulled me next to him on the bench, pointing in a direction. "I think we are getting a competition."

My eyes went over the sports hall until they landed on a group of people, all dressed in baseball uniforms. "Don't tell me we are going to play baseball, because I literally can't even hit the ball," I whispered as Jaehyun chuckled, "I'm afraid we will. Don't worry though! I'm sure you can do it! Plus, I suck at baseball too," Jaehyun added and leaned against the wall behind the bench we were sitting on.

Seconds later, before our PE teacher started talking, Seungmin arrived and took a seat next to me. "Where the hell is Jibeom?" Jaehyun pointed out as Seungmin shrugged, "probably skipping class."

"Everyone, I want you to listen carefully!" Our PE teacher yelled as it gained the attention of most of the students, "today we are going to start a new PE semester and therefore why not start with my favourite sport of all time? Baseball!" She cheered and wanted us to do the same, so a little forced we started applauding softly.

"Today we are going to have a match against our very own baseball team, so we can see where everyone stands and maybe even scout new members for the baseball team!" our PE teacher continued as some guys in my class got motivated to get into the team.

"Getting into the team is like being famous," Jaehyun explained, "Jibeom told me about it. Last year he was friends with Jinyoung, before he got into the team. Before, Jinyoung was like a loser, but once he got into the team? Boom! Popular." Jaehyuns hands faked an explosion at the 'boom' as his eyes widened at the same time. I chuckled a bit at him and shook my head.

"Well, if any of you ever get into the team, we better remain friends," I stated and Jaehyun nodded, "of course, we are not douchebags like Jinyoung."

"Everyone! We are going to split up in two teams. If your number is even you are in team 1, if your number is uneven you are in team 2," the PE teacher announced as she started counting heads, giving me number 15, and Seungmin 17. Unfortunately Jaehyun was given number 16, so he wouldn't be in the same team.

"Good luck, guys," Jaehyun whispered as he walked to the opposite side of the sportshall. We waved at him after which we walked to the back of our side, not wanting to be the ones who had to start hitting the ball.

Then, a group of the baseball team started to walk into our direction. They immediately started to talk to other people, which showed they were very outgoing. Then I started to recognize some faces within the part of the baseball team that joined ours. This meant nothing good.

The first one I recognized was Jangjun. He was immediately very busy gaining attention from female players by acting all crazily, and behind him stood the one and only Joochan, his calm gaze eyening over us. I immediately looked away, I didn't want to make eye contact with him. I knew he had the power to keep me looking at him if we did.

"Yoon Sanha," The teacher called a student from our team out as a tall, shy boy started walking towards the place where he had to hit the ball. The pitcher and catcher already stood at their spots, just like how the other team stood all across the sportshall. Sanha looked a little anxious, as he was quite skinny and not really muscular, but he still tried to hit the ball as hard as he could, which resulted into a pretty decent hit. He was able to run to the first base without any trouble and he decided to stay there. 

"Bae Seungmin," The teacher said as I saw Seungmin tense up, although he was not bad at baseball at all. Seungmin nodded and went towards the same spot Sanha had stood before. Although Seungmin was quite tiny, he had a lot of power, because the ball was hit so hard he could practically run a homerun if Sanha had run a little faster. He ended up at the third base. 

"Lee Rosaline," I was called out by the teacher. Great. Now it was my time to shine, or rather fail in my case.

I walked to the front and stood on a quite different way from the latter guys, as I was left-handed. Actually not really, but that was another story. 

A ball was thrown at me when I didn't notice as I missed the ball. However, I was dumb enough to make a hitting movement. I felt a little embarassed as I was the first to miss the ball. I stared at the ground insecurely, buy then I felt a big, warm hand on mine, guiding my arm into a different position. I was dumb enough to turn around and stare into a pair of attractive eyes, belonging to a person I did not want it to be. Joochan the heartbeaker.

His hand was still on mine as he helped me a little and explained how I should stand. However, I was distracted by him, his face up close looked even better than from a distance. I tried not to let my thought go any further, as he let me go and I nodded shyly. I was embarassed because of two things now. Typically me, as Seungmin would probably say.

Somehow, I managed to hit the ball this time thanks to Joochans help, as I started running towards the first base, which I reached just in time. I saw Joochan give me a thumbs up and I couldn't help but feel proud of myself. 

However, there was a slight issue though. The way I felt when Joochan was close, that way I had not felt in a very long time. And that feeling was dangerous. I would, absolutely NOT, fall for Joochan. I would do everything to make sure of that. So starting now, I would avoid him at all cost, and never look into that pair of eyes ever again.

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now