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"Hey," I heard a soft voice when I had finally woken up. Next to me stood Jibeom and Seungmin, right in the bright sunlight coming from outside. How long had I been passed out for?

I blinked carefully and smiled feebly, as my friends seemed to be relieved I gave a form of response. "Jaehyun's fine too. He's woken up already." They informed me as I glanced at my right, seeing Jaehyun sitting in his bed and looking at me. My eyes slowly got used to the light so I went to carefully sit up as well. Jibeom immediately tried to help me when I did. I actually needed the help, because a shot of pain went through my whole body when I moved.

"Be careful," He said and fixed my blanket so it would cover me completely, as I was cold easily. "Mark has been arrested by the police," he continued, "So you two don't need to worry about him anymore, okay?" He smiled at both of us and sat down. "If Mark doesn't get punished by the law we'll punish him ourselves." Jaehyun chuckled a bit and shook his head. It was typically Jibeom indeed to want to take revenge like this.

"At least we're all together now," I said softly, as I didn't have much strength to talk yet. "That was just all I wanted." I smiled and recieved three smiles back, from my friends that had gotten silent. "That's right. We just wanted to hang out in the cafe again, like old times. Rosaline and I felt like our friendship had gotten a bit more distant because of the recent happenings between us and other individuals." Jaehyun explained and pouted slightly, "so we just wanted to talk it out."

"I understand," Jibeom nodded, "I am happy to hear. I felt that way for a while as well. Especially now that that certain group tries to interfere with us." Jibeoms face got a bit annoyed as Seungmins saddened a little. "I don't hate your boyfriend, I just hate the way they act like jerks around everyone. That's all. I mean even, Joochan, went here," Jibeom sighed at the last part as Seungmin angrily stood up. "I think I know what's happening here. You don't even hate Y. You just hate Joochan for liking Rosaline." Seungmin pointed at Jibeom accusingly. "Hey, we were here to talk things out, not to make an argument--" Jaehyun tried to say but Jibeom interupted him. "How could you even say such thing. I don't want my friends to get hurt. It's just.. It's just because I know exactly how those guys are," he stared at the ground, "because before, I was just like them." And with those words he stormed out of the room, leaving Jaehyun, Seungmin and I inside the room, baffled by the situation. How did that pleasant conversation turn into an argument that quick?

All three in the room remained silent, even Jaehyun. We all just stared at the ground in silence. I closed my eyes and cried a little, hoping that everything would be fine again. "Hey,"

This time another voice was heard. It sounded warm and soft and it made me calm down. I slowly opened my eyes, and stared into Joochans coal black eyes. They were focussed on mine, with a soft and tender look that I had not seen from him yet. My eyes went around the room and it seemed like we were alone. Had I perhaps fallen asleep?

"Please don't cry in your sleep. Sleeping should be the time where you shouldn't have to cry," he said and brushed his hand against my forehead. He then walked away and grabbed something, and put a cold object on my head. "Sleep peacefully," he softly said, and it made my heart flutter to relaxation. "And dream about the nice things in life that make you smile." 

I smiled a bit and closed my eyes again, but woke up after hearing a loud voice. It took me a while before I realized I had woken up again, or rather, actually woken up. 

Did I really just dream of Joochan already? 

"Rosaline," I turned my face when Jaehyun called out my name. "Please, if you can, get up, there's another issue." His face seemed stressed and worried. "What is it? I asked and went to sit up slowly. "It's Jibeom.." he said with a shocked face,

"Jibeom had a fight with Joochan." 

Seduce Me {GNCD (Golden Child) Joochan}Where stories live. Discover now